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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. You realize the Angels have the 5th highest win total in the AL the last 5 years? Dreadful huh? I believe that's also the worst 5 year run of the MS era But hey, I'm sure they will be able to replace him just as easily as they have Stoneman, GA, and Howie. Hopefully Eppler and not Arte will be the final word on whoever it is ends up replacing him.
  2. Everything but his running is in the best shape of his life.. Dummy...
  3. It's been a while since we've seen the old "sense of urgency" and looking like they care stuff.. it's been sorely missed. Anyone know when they start filming "The Gary Disarcina Story", it will be chock full of urgency, mad dog stares, and looking like he cares.
  4. http://www.fangraphs.com/blogs/its-no-great-mystery-why-matt-wieters-is-available/ Pretty solid article...
  5. It's horseshit that kids in CA are forced to learn a foreign language and thus the scores are brought down.
  6. Are they just gonna use tape and a marker on the back of the unis up there?
  7. stop·gap ˈstäpˌɡap/ noun a temporary way of dealing with a problem or satisfying a need. "transplants are only a stopgap until more sophisticated alternatives can work" synonyms: temporary solution/fix, expedient, makeshift; More But yeah -- people are totally expecting players to "blossom" into something special....
  8. Absolutely. Only thing missing is a successful music/acting career. /wipes tear I love you assholes.
  9. It will be interesting to see what he ends up signing for. I find it difficult to believe the entire league has punted on him so it may just be a Boras situation.
  10. I'm not disagreeing with you -- but I think the spin info is interesting because the eye test argues he's worse than the numbers he's put up.
  11. I would have loved to have seen the spin data on young Jarrod Washburn. I remember Edgar Martinez saying Wash the hardest pitcher he had to face because there was so much spin on his balls that it seemed to flutter at times.. Kevin Brown, Darren Dreifort, two other guys I would have loved to see spin rates on. Kevin Brown threw the loudest pitches I've ever heard. I saw him warming up on a few occasions, there was this very audible buzz from when he released the ball to when it was caught. One of the coolest things ever.
  12. 2 years 3.5 mil per. See Tony Reagins for details.
  13. Optimistic... While I think the team can compete, I like that they added guys who could generate interest should the team see no option other than to sell off. Win or lose, they seem to be in a position to possibly end up ahead. As I said in the other thread, I really like what Epp did.
  14. Based on short term needs and long term potential repercussions this has been the best off-season in a very long time. None of us has any clue if anything will work out -- but we can't really point to any one move and think to ourselves that it might come back to bite us in the ass. Would still like to see some certainty added to the pen, but overall I'm pretty content with how Epp went about his business.
  15. He was 3-2 with an ERA around 4.25 (in LA) when he hurt his back and was placed on the DL. Chances are the back injury was still having some impact on him because he got lit up pretty hard from that point on after being recalled
  16. It's more LOLing at the reality I didn't know what you did, and how EASY it would have been to make that connection, particularly since I can be snarky... I seriously thought, holy crap.. No wonder he's upset.. LOL. Like I said, good times.
  17. I still LOL when I think back to the time I referenced rocket scientists and you thought I was being snarky... Good times!
  18. They got off easy..... Really surprised they didn't throw more at them. Don't know if the Astros were damaged in any way so, not sure they deserved to be better compensated but the Cards should have been more severely punished.
  19. Just watched HBO documentary "Beware the Slenderman", usual HBO quality -- great show on a really twisted crime in Wisconsin.
  20. I went with 5.10, but the guy with the 89 ERA+ must have been pitching someplace awful...
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