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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. The Mathis/Kotchman/Fabregas of the world were busts compared to their expectations but at least they had MLB careers of some merit, so, I kinda go easy on them. Guys that were seriously hyped and just flamed out.... Arias 3B, Orton C, Rose 2B, Kevin Flora 2b (tragic story), Greene C, Wood 3B, Stevens 1B, Torres LHP, Bob Kipper LHP, Erik Pappas C, Urbano Lugo RHP, Mark Holzemer LHP, Norm Hutchin OF, Eplidio Guzman OF, Nathan Haynes OF, Matt Perisho LHP. Jeff Schmidt RHP. J.R Phillips 1B, D-Mac 3B, and the original age-gate guy. Jr Felix (OF). He was the crown jewel of the Devo trade, was thought to be 22 at the time of the trade, turned out he was at least 27 and possibly as old as 32. Pretty hilarious article about it here.. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1993-01-28/sports/9303173083_1_angel-manager-buck-rodgers-junior-felix-florida-marlins Guys that were hyped and the Angels moved before they could get anything out of them... (actually had careers most for other teams)... Paul Sorrento 1B, Mark McLemore 2B, Bill Simas RP, Russ Springer RP, Mike Fetters, Dante Bichette OF, Tom Brunanski OF, Roberto Hernandez RP. 2B Damon Easley
  2. I didn't think you were aiming it at anything other than at the risk they took and I totally agree with you -- I posted that article I had come across because it actually talked a bit about just how talented he was as a two sport guy. It's really kind of crazy that even after taking a two year mission, he was in the majors at age 23... He played in less than 350 minor league games before making his MLB debut -- dude must have been crazy talented but it seems clear his heart was elsewhere. Just an interesting dude/story.
  3. http://www.ldsliving.com/The-LDS-Teen-Who-Turned-Down-1-Million-to-Serve-a-Mission/s/77920
  4. Your point was perfectly valid, I wasn't trying to say you were trying to be disingenuous or anything. I brought up out number one ranking because a lot of people have in the past dismissed it because of how Mathis, Casey, D-Mac, and B Wood ended up.. Fact is, that system's strength was it's ridiculous depth.... It was so good that all the top guys could flame out and yet the ones they thought less of carried a franchise for a decade. The Angels have been severely underrated farm wise for a long long time. I think some of that is the reality that until Trout they never really produced a superstar, but they have always been very good at producing players -- even prior to Stoneman.
  5. To be fair -- the Jays had a lot more guys in the system than the ones he's mentioned. Snydergaard, Osuna, Aaron Sanchez, Daniel Norris, Stroman, Adeiney Hechevaria, Anthony DeSclafani. You pretty much have an entire MLB starting rotation there -- including a legit Cy Young type. The strength of the system wasn't just in their top 10, but in their extreme depth top to bottom. Not unlike the Angels number one ranked farm system that saw most of the top guys flame out but then Naps, Howie, Aybar, Kendrys etc etc all hit.
  6. This is the deal for me -- I don't blame the rankings, I just understand what they are and know what they measure. Lastings Milledge will always grade out better than Kole Calhoun because those tools were real and IF they ever translated -- ohhh boy... Not everyone is able to turn physical tools into baseball skill... and that's an area prospect rankings struggle to measure. When push comes to shove you're absolutely right -- they play the same odds vegas would... because outliers aren't where the smart money is.
  7. Those lists don't even mention Calhoun or Shoemaker. It wasn't flashy but it was productive....
  8. Hey Fletch... Remember when you asked us what we wanted to see this spring.... Nailed it. Great story.
  9. Not without injuring himself He's the anti-Pujols.
  10. I'd be on board with that too... Maybe slip his Dad a mickey and rummage through his offseason notes....
  11. If only Magic could morph into Jerry West redux....
  12. That's surprising and then again no. While they haven't done anything splashy compared to others years the conversation regarding the team has shifted away from the talk of dysfunction, bad moves, etc etc.. Maybe people are buying into a slightly more optimistic outlook -- the reigning MVP doesn't hurt either.
  13. Eleventy (I think you're safe BTW) Book attendance was supposedly up last year. I wonder if this is the season they fall below 3 Mil again. http://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/ANA/attend.shtml
  14. OC Register and Pedro Moura's piece on Arte speaking. Both of them.
  15. He won't be happy unless it's a direct quote from Trout saying "I hate it here I want out".
  16. I get that hope is eternal in Spring and all that -- but this, the FG article, and just the overall vibe emanating from the team.. it seems the Angels are again functional. It had been a while.
  17. Reading that article -- it seems someone has convinced Arte that investing in the farm team is a good idea.. Thanks Eppy...
  18. And more likely than not -- a farm system. Nailed it. He didn't have to listen to anyone else because he knew better.
  19. There is so much to like in that article... Thanks for the link.
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