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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. I wanted to make this comparison as well. For all the hate Eppler got about obliterating our ML depth -- he essentially reestablished it via the waiver wire. Some of the "wash-outs" he's picked up already represent greater potential value that what Ellis brought to the table - -and Meyer was Newcomb not long ago. In both cases, their current teams stand to benefit from their "potential".
  2. Newcomb is the sort of guy that will make different people look stupid at various points in his development. Scouts look at him and see what he should be, it's hard not to get sucked in by what he is physically gifted with. My lack of noise regarding moving him pretty much says where I stood on it... but Ill be the first to argue that it really doesn't matter how he's done, it could still all come together for him at some point and bam! Baseball is just the hardest sport to consistently predict future results in. Even an inner circle HOFer can fall off at a rate we have never seen before like AP, and a kid from a cold weather state can go on to become someone in the conversation about the GOAT....
  3. I just re-read the entire Simmons thread from when it went down... Wonder how many people still think Eppler is an idiot or want Dipoto back.... Good times.. . Thanks for being you, Lou...
  4. Possibly the most concise, accurate statement ever made on AW.com about scouting in MLB...
  5. Truthfully -- I want him to stay healthy long enough for us to get a clue too.. So, you're not alone
  6. Are you looking for him to be an ace? Not sure what your expectations are, or how long a leash you think he's had. He's logged 168 innings as an Angel -- all but 5 of them at age 24 or younger. His career ERA as an Angel is 4.39 Last year the AL average ERA for a SP was 4.43. In his only other season as a SP in the AL it was 3.98. He's a perfectly acceptable 4 or 5 right now with the potential to be better than that. The predictive data says he's better than his raw ERA, I'm assuming those are the formulas you are dismissing -- and that's fine. But by the simplest and least informative of measures (Raw ERA), he's good enough.
  7. Meanwhile the guy that was too much to give up failed to pitch even 5 innings giving up 4 runs and allowed more than 2 baserunners per innings in his first AAA start. He is 24 years old now, he has one AAA start. Tyler Skaggs is 25. Hopefully people keep that in mind next time they talk about how Newcomb is a future ace while at the same time writing off Skaggs.
  8. My guess is they will super cautious with both of them all year long.
  9. I have a buddy that while in the Army he fell asleep facing down on some chaise with slats in it.... sparked wood and then went to roll over... His entire platoon found out and to this day he goes by Brokedick. None of us were in the service with him so we weren't there to see it.... but he told us anyway. Talk about being a glutton for punishment.
  10. So... They are skipping his next start like people thought and in the meantime are calling up an extra pitcher? Season over?
  11. Well considering he has yet to do better than Tuffy Rhodes, Alex Cabrera or Bobby Rose did in Japan..... what do you think?
  12. Hey, if you watched ER and stayed in a Holiday Inn Express - I'm pretty sure you can practice medicine in some places...
  13. I personally wouldn't put much weight into what they say. There is some gamesmanship involved with injuries and how teams disclose information. They did say at one point that all their pitchers would be doing strengths tests after their starts to try to more quickly catch potential problems -- if they follow through on that and there is anything remotely odd my guess is Richards gets an MRI.. Too much at stake not to take every precaution.
  14. So basically when you mocked the Angels medical staff you were just being your usual Eeyore self and you willingly admit there is no factual basis for your negativity towards them -- thanks for clearing that up. Guess what... teams always make an on field evaluation and pass that along to the media -- that's just how it is, it's not a situation unique to the Angels. As to you second point about the MRI -- I'd count on them to do that anytime either Richards or Skaggs so much as feels a twinge. You may have missed it when you were busy burying Skaggs in ST, but the Angels have reportedly stepped up their post game and preventative measures to try to keep their arms healthier -- not only are they likely to do an MRI but I'm guessing they will follow through on their plans to have guys do a strength test immediately after games to see if there is any weakness there. Heaney, Trop, Skaggs, GRich.. they will likely all be more heavily scrutinized moving forward. I would not be shocked to hear them skipping a guy's turn at various points in the year based on what those strength tests show. I'm sure people will freak out ...but it may just be another way the game is changing.
  15. Yeah that Dr Lewis Yocum was a real moron... Milhouse.. total idiot... The Kerlan-Jobe Clinic who the Angels still work with and OSI who they are currently partnered with have such terrible reputations. Makes you wonder why other teams send their guys to them for second opinions.
  16. CardinalOracle at CardsWin.Com glossed him "Magnetty" after the game.
  17. 13 years he's been in the league... Not bad for a guy some wrote off after his elbow issues early on.
  18. Where have you gone Mooky Spice??? ... A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... I may or may not have orchestrated Mooky Day... Good times.. #NeverforgetMDIC
  19. Just takes the team to flat-line for that to happen.
  20. That's not even a fair comparison.. Who doesn't like hanging out with crazy people to see what sort of foolishness comes out of their pie-holes.
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