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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. FTR, JD left money on the table and traded away signing bonus slots.... So no, not the same and the Dodgers spending situation was in large part due to new ownership and MLB's financial practices. The new Dodgers regime will be able to depreciate much of what it spent -- it's a HUGE plus that most new regimes take advantage of -- Arte did this. Moving forward it doesn't look like the Dodgers will be spending as freely -- the international signing rules have also been changed where basically they cannot if they wanted to The Angels have spent the max allotted dollars in the international market under Eppler -- they were just locked into a hard cap on how much they could spend on any one player -- LA will be forced to play by those same rules for a couple years starting this July.
  2. Would that really be a bad thing? Say they win 65 games - that puts them in the conversation for first pick in the draft which let's be honest can only help this team -- it further means they could comfortably sell off pretty much anyone showing signs of life at the deadline and not catch heat from fans... They could possibly purge a salary or two, decide on the guys they want to keep around and start planning for 2018 in July. There are positives in every situation. If they are still tanking two months from now, then it's time to start talking about making lemonade -- constantly yapping about the lemons does no good.
  3. Prolly strained his neck trying to track the balls hit off him...
  4. South Florida is a terrible place to watch baseball... The area the park in Miami is in leaves a lot to be desired as well. But the humidity and constant rain showers makes for a craptastic day at the ballpark. 90 degrees and raining is pretty much the norm during the summer.
  5. I use one for sporting events... particularly being on the East Coast. But the advent of On-Demand viewing means I don't ever DVR anything other than sports. Agree with your whole big screen .vs iPad commentary.
  6. "Obviously" eh? You know it's getting harder and harder to attempt to respond to you with any semblance of courtesy. We get it, Cameron Maybin is your new whipping boy and so long as he's here you will go to great lengths to rip on the guy... but to dismiss his defense entirely due to one misplay at a position he's had all of THREE innings of total as a MLB player screams "Hi, I'm a blowhard with an agenda named, Clod". But hey.... don't let reason get the best of you.. You be you, Boo-Boo As far as the reason why he has more career errors than assists -- you don't have a clue. The fact that you are putting so much weight into statistics long proven to mean very little says as much. BTW -- Hunter was a world better than Maybin defensively. You're not exactly inventing the wheel pointing that out, Super-scout.
  7. No doubt he was a good GM -- but was there ever a more boring GM in MLB during his time in Anaheim? I don't think we have ever seen anyone more tight lipped or vague when he actually did say something.
  8. Vintage Hunter was a CF.. The RF version of Hunter had a negative DRS for his career. Maybin entered this season with 0.0 innings in RF for his career. Kudos on the excellent analysis.
  9. Yeah, except that wasn't my narrative when they hired JD (I didn't think he inherited a bad situation and openly said it during his tenure), and it certainly wasn't the case when Epp took over. Most people were still bemoaning his loss and blaming MS for his departure. I think you're right and there is more of that going on now -- but, he was still very much the golden child until very recently. Honestly in my lifetime as an Angels fan I've never seen a GM get as much of a free pass as JD got. Arte, MS... Reagins.. the list of "scapegoats" was pretty long. Also.. did Stoneman get blamed for anything while Reagins was here?
  10. LOL. funniest part is that the other catcher has even better stats... Manny Pina.
  11. You're right. Now that he's an ex-Angel he can strike out, misplay a ball, or he can fail to reach base. Those are all things he is pretty adept at that could lead to Angel victories. His power is the one thing that could actually cost the Angels some games.
  12. "it's not his fault" -- AW.com 2012-2015 and a half...
  13. Calhoun is always hot or cold -- he just doesn't really follow a pattern so it doesn't show up like it does with someone like say Cron who is a notoriously slow starter then seems to rake from June on before cratering in Sept. Look at Calhoun's career splits and you'll see he's fairly consistent month to month -- but if you look at his splits on a yearly basis you'll see some noticeable ups and down from month to month. Calhoun is being Calhoun.
  14. edit.... reading article -- they have this 75. Astros: $767,400 So, they have an extra pick due to compensation...
  15. He may have been the guy that would create the least amount of roster issues... How much longer before Richards is eligible to come off the DL? Five days? My guess is they view him as a guy that can bring up and keep around in case of a blowout so they keep the guys they do want to be able to pitch fresher... They are already running with an extra RP due to the Richards DL move.
  16. Hamels is signed through 2019 so that sort of ends the conversation about him right there. As good as he is, I think if I were running the Angels I would have preferred having all the players they traded away to get him.. Jared Eickhoff, Nick Williams, Jorge Alfaro, and Alec Asher. I think Jake Thompson was part of that deal too. Both teams seemed to have walked away from that deal happy with their return.
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