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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. Is it me or does Latos look heavier than he did when he was with us? He's always had a couple chins but he seems to be rounder than when we had him.
  2. If anybody can feel your pain it's Angel fans -- I love Paxton, legit arm and ability but he's your Richards.... top 5 talent that has struggled to stay healthy.
  3. Yep.. Say what you will about our old HR pitcher, the dude wasn't afraid to go out and fling it.
  4. Awww.. it was a stunt... Still pretty cool bit of trivia. Thanks for sharing that m0nkey.
  5. At long last, the Angels are out of the penalty zone... Early list of the top guys according to MLB.com http://m.mlb.com/news/article/228044602/revealing-top-30-international-prospects-list/?topicid=151437456 Aybar's nephew ranked #1....
  6. Wanted to post this, but didn't want to make a thread so putting it here.. I had no idea this was ever a thing... http://www.baseball-reference.com/register/player.fcgi?id=bogues001tyr Dude played baseball!! I never knew.....
  7. Yeah -- I think it's less about his control than what's between his ears....
  8. He's pitched a total of 35 innings at the MLB level... Thus why people are saying he has nothing left to prove in the minors, and that he needs to do it at the highest level. Like many here, I think his future likely lies in the pen but.... they gotta at least see what he's capable of as a SP. Not that they are in the same league -- but Randy Johnson was a sub league average pitcher until his age 28 season... Over the first 607 innings of his career (through age 27). RJ had a WHIP of 1.432, a BB/9 near 6.0 and a K/9 of 8.5. Not saying Meyer could turn the page in a similar way but, there was little outside of potential to make anyone believe RJ would go on to win 5 Cy Youngs through his age 27 season People want Meyer to have instant success because the team needs SP in a bad way... But at the end of the day he's a guy with 35 MLB innings under his belt. He's gonna get his lunch handed to him from time to time...
  9. If people on this board havent figured out inflated SLC ERA's don't mean shit then they never will. Meyer has his warts but he's really got nothing to prove in AAA.
  10. IF he did -- someone at AW.com would say the trainers shot him.
  11. Home town scorers never ever ever make rulings to help the numbers of the home team.. right?
  12. Well -- the guy in charge of the minors now is formerly from the STL orgnization. So, yes.
  13. That play last night -- it has to be testing their patience.... I mean, I wouldn't blame fans for waiting outside the park with pitchforks and torches....
  14. Because the last time they didn't the GM quit.....
  15. Escobar isn't a guy you wait on forever -- he doesn't bring enough to the table but he's also been unlucky early on. His BaBIP, (yes I know it's better used for pitchers), is almost 60 points below his career average and about 90 points below where it's been the last two years. He's been crappy, but his walk rate and K rate have remained stable... So.. there is reason to believe his batting average will normalize and he ends up somewhere around .275-280.
  16. Chuck you listening/watching the M's feed? Cause that Dave Sims call was hilarious... "3-1 count to Calhoun, hits one deep to right...... and...... we got issues".... Classic!
  17. "Schadenfreude!" -- douchebag Ranger fans and websites...
  18. Preach.... I've said it many times. While I want them to do well, I want the team to get better even more.. If the Angels can parlay some good performances from pending FAs into real talent ... even if it means an ugly finish, I'm on board. The minor league threads have more weight to them this year than in recent years -- we need to see guys take some steps forward, we need to see the creation of organizational depth like we used to have.. We need another really strong draft. Fix the stuff at the bottom and the MLB team might stand a chance again in the near future.
  19. This was a pretty good read -- hopefully people click on the link. Paints Epp in a different light.... Encouraging to see Mike Trout seemingly really liked Eppler too.
  20. Hopefully nothing. Test drive everyone they have in AAA and if they all fail -- start selling off...
  21. Compare the previous ten years in Anaheim to that of MLB and the Angels were near the bottom... I think what happened last year was a freak thing.
  22. Rendon is one of those guys that while having a really good career I still can't help but think he's going to be a lot better. He's always got some nagging injury dragging him down -- been that way since college. I know all eyes are on Harper but Rendon might finally be breaking out and it could be huge for them.. Wonder how much SD wishes it could take back the Trear Turner trade...
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