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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. If its possible to take runs back.. Tonight's the night. My hope as well.. If they can find a couple SPs in a lost season -- all the better.
  2. "It was a Mike Sosha decision, because he cant have players doing stuff like hitting grand slams in games" -- BOB
  3. His twitter feed reads like Smugsville...
  4. Props to them -- they have Tommy Pham tearing it up and Grichuk needs to K less -- this is the sort of move a team with a long term plan will make...
  5. Re-read what I wrote.. If they roll up the white flag... there is nothing to stop them from auditioning players at every position really.
  6. Absolutely is... You gotta hand it to Wells, he knows how Angel fans feel about him.
  7. Vernon Wells‏Verified account @VernonWells10 3h3 hours ago More Now that @MikeTrout is out, I could come back Halo fans. Ha! #ThingsHaloFansNeverWantToHear
  8. The silver lining if we can call it that is that with Trout out it's unlikely they try to make trades for to try to reach the post-season. They also won't be sending out the wrong message to the locker room if they roll up the white flag and sell everyone that isn't going to be here in 2018 and beyond... The players have to know what's up... Maybe now we see Cowart get a chance to show he deserves to be on the team..
  9. Okay cool. Fair argument.. I too think they ran too often. I also think Gary Disarcina was the dumbest 3B coach in history butI don't doubt he was acting on orders to keep them aggressive. So let's pretend in an alternate universe those teams stopped trying to run. The team stop trying to create runs or force the action and just waits for it's newly acquired HR hitters, Pujols, Hamilton, and Freese to drive the offense -- because history shows that they all came through as planned.. So what if any impact would that have had on the pitching side? As the numbers show ... it wasn't the lack of offense that killed those teams.. BTW Nate -- I didn't say it before, thanks for the article and it's ensuing discussion. Doesn't matter how stupid we all take the discussions, the article itself was on point. Good job.
  10. Wasn't asking what he's to blame for, we all have a list of Scioscia-isms we hate... I was curious what it is you believe he failed to adapt to. I don't like the contact play, I hate the notion of productive outs.... there are things in his playbook that I absolutely despise, but there are a lot of people that talk about how he has failed to adapt or how his style of play doesn't work anymore. Meanwhile, the KC Royals went to back to back WS playing the same exact style of ball that supposedly doesn't work anymore. Other than running less as the team got less athletic, not sure what it was he failed to adapt to? Maybe I'm just interpreting the statement different than how people mean it.
  11. LOL... As always -- anything requiring actual thought is beyond some people.
  12. Not meant as a defense of the man, but rather, whenever I see this talk about the failure to adapt I wonder what exactly it is people believe he failed to adapt to? The team wasn't fast, so maybe they should have run less but how could he have adapted better to the arson squad bullpens and the poor player decisions being made? Put the Napoli trade on him if you want -- but it's not like he was asking for them to add Pujols that winter.. or Hamilton... anyone that believes that is deluding themselves. Scioscia was asking for pitching that first winter under JD and all the same people here mocked him for it because in their minds what the team REALLY needed was a MOTO bat... History has proven MS was actually correct, the pitching was the biggest issue -- they didn't need to spend big ... Not at 1B, not in LF. But hey -- the fan-base wanted to play with the big boys in NY and they wanted HR hitters. Fanbase got what it wanted... including the FA failures that both the Red Sox and the Yankees learned to accept and absorb... But no sooner did they get what they wanted than they turned around and blamed the mess on the one guy that publicly stood at the Winter meetings when Pujols was signed and said he hoped the Angels would add some more pitching... 2012 OPS+ 114, ERA+ 95 2013 OPS+ 110, ERA+ 89 2014 OPS+ 110, ERA+ 101 (98 wins) 2015 OPS+ 97, ERA+ 95 Mike Scioscia isn't perfect but he's hardly deserving of the scorn he gets from people here. Revisionist history has a funny way of ignoring reality.
  13. He had a bad RISP season in 2014 too.. other than he's been good to great. 2016 - .309/.389/.509 .... Career - .320/.447/.591 How much weight people should put in hitting with RISP as a skill is a different matter.
  14. Yawn.... A person seeing Maybin is a useful player doesn't mean they think he's an All Star -- a connection you tried to make. A person seeing Maybin is a useful player doesn't mean they prefer him to GA -- a connection you are trying to make now.. Looking forward to your next idiotic leap in logic.. You be you Boo-boo
  15. Do you think you proved something or are you just regurgitate the same insipid talking points you always do? Guess what... he's a useful player. BTW -- something something.. same fish always taking the bait... No surprise there... The blind can't see the obvious...
  16. LOL I logged into the site just to see how you were gonna react... It really has reached the point where every injury just induces hysterical laughter.. because. OF COURSE your arm fell off...
  17. Yes -- because realizing he hasn't been the garbage you try to make him out to be means I think he is an all star. Tell me more about this real world you live in.. Clodvania seems like a nice place to visit... He is what he is -- a useful player.
  18. The "realist" does it again.... Maybin currently ranks 16th among MLB OFers in bWAR.... There are 30 teams, each employs 3 starting OFers. 16th out of 90 = less than impressive. Keep on, keeping it real...
  19. I was a big big Stoneman fan -- but if that dude has a blind spot when it came to CF... If there was one area he failed at repeatedly it was there...
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