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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. Are you talking about Schwarber? Because batting .165/.293/.352, now. I looked and he's only had a couple games batting 9th so too early to say if its helped or hurt but has the roster shuffling helped others? I haven't watch the Cubs at all, but it seems like their bats went into a funk in May... their team OPS last month was lower than even the Angels.
  2. Agreed -- not sure the commish would let them do it to be honest -- the whole thought process being that removing their best players brings down the value of the club ..
  3. Well only because the guy in question was a muthafucka
  4. LOL -- that tweet got posted all over the place -- honestly it was pretty funny. The guy knows how Angels fans feel about him.
  5. Check out his twitter -- he had a hell of a zinger the other day... https://twitter.com/VernonWells10?lang=en
  6. Willits was a pretty insignificant player in the grand scheme of things but he's made the most out of his time in MLB. A read an article a while back that he had moved from playing to coaching -- I dont recall the specifics but the teams he was involved with played in OK state tournaments 4 of the 5 years he was there and won a couple titles. Last Reports on him had him taking a coaching job with the Yankee organization as their minor league OF and base-stealing coordinator or something like that. Another guy that may not have had the biggest of MLB careers but seemingly won at life.
  7. LOL there was no sarcasm intended in my response. Was a good rant, Sir. I don't mind the complaining about guys doing crappy cause that seems to fix them.. but, I agree with most everything you said.
  8. Thanks I appreciate the kind words but really it's not really necessary. I know I can be abrasive, I know I likely rub some people the wrong way -- that's on me and I'll apologize for it when I do. If I make something personal and get called on it -- that's fine, poor behavior should be called out and I'm not going to be a bitch and cry about it when it happens. There have been times I've gone on record as saying my poor writing skills caused my statements to be taken in a way they weren't intended... That too is on ME. But I seriously have a problem with someone painting something benign as personal. I actually like this team and hope for it to do well even when it's clear they have had their head up their ass for an extended perior of time.. So, I'm here to talk baseball -- I try to do that, but I'm not above rolling around in the mud when the occasion calls for it. (something catchy as a closing)
  9. Barring some miraculous return to glory next season my guess is the team simply thanks him for his service and brings in someone younger saying it's time to find a new face to lead the team. Im a fan of Tim Bogar -- was hoping he was being groomed for the spot but then he went to Texas to be the bench coach and now Seattle.
  10. Maybin to the DL was a matter of when not if... It's a legit label he's worn for many years.
  11. I'm not calling you for a difference of opinion.. I offered no opinion on what you said. I simply pointed out YOU don't know what Mike Trout thinks. You deemed that as being personal. Since, then I've gone out of my way to MAKE it personal in hopes that you learn the difference. As far as ignoring goes - being you're the guy that needed to go on record as saying they didn't care what I think about anything ..... Why are you crying? Just take your own advice. Hit ignore, Clod.
  12. Great... And? Is Strad supposed to chime in now that he think's you're a great guy too? Doesnt change that Strad never said anything about everything is well with the Angels. Nice attempt at deflecting away from your actual douchebaggery though. Can you tell the difference between my pointing out your BS and my actually making it personal yet? This post should help with that.
  13. Yet another insipid connection.. Where the fuck has he said everything is well with the Angels? The man offered no insights on what he thinks the situation is with the Angels. He spoke to not knowing what Trout values As usual someone says something and you try to spin the comments as meaning something completely removed from what they have said.. But hey -- I guess you know what Strad REALLY thinks because well of course you do. I know, I know.. I need to keep from making it personal. Pointing out your BS = making it personal.
  14. So, pointing out you don't know what he is thinking = making it personal? Mangina much? You can continue to be a bitch that goes out of his way to antagonize people then cries about people making it personal when your idiocy is pointed out.. I don't really care about your opinions on any matter -- you've been proven to be talking out of your ass so much it's difficult to believe anyone would take you serious. I'm sure I'm coming off as an asshole and that's fine -- just spare me the Joan of Arc routine. Your posts gloating about how easy it is to rile people speaks to your motivations... But in regards to what's being said -- I offered no opinion -- I'm not arguing I'm right and you are wrong, there is nothing to be proven or disproved because you're just spewing opinions. Unlike you I have never claimed to know what's in Mike Trouts head.. I have no idea what he will do -- it's liberating because I don't worry about things I cannot control. You on the otherhand love to speak as if you're in the know.. You've done it repeatedly. It's sad you can't tell the difference but, not really surprising. Lastly you have repeated this same tripe about Trout doing what's best for him over and over and over -- it's nothing new and honestly, I don't think anyone here believes any different. The problem is you will say it then turn around and then put your spin on what YOU think he will do in the next breath -- it's a ruse. I'm not the boss of you, I'm not going to tell you what you can and cannot say... But it gets old seeing you piss on people's legs and then telling them it's rain. You aren't that smart, and nobody is that stupid. I hope you and I better understand each other now..
  15. You should totally listen to Clod.. Afterall, he knows the "real" reason Maybin was traded and is on a first name basis with Mike Trout. They routinely share their insights with each other and speak at length about each other's hopes, dreams, and desires. Jenny err.... Mike... and him are like peas and carrots.. Or you can click on the ESPN team page, find the Spanish language article written while the team was in Miami (click translate) and you can read Mike Trout in his own words relay his feelings on things like the importance of stats, and the impact AP has had on him every single day. Warning, reading what Mike Trout has to say about what Mike Trout thinks might lead you to believe the resident lump of clay doesnt know Mike Trout as well as he always tries to paint it but you are wrong..... he knows better than you.
  16. Meyer last four starts ... 3.32 ERA..... baby steps.... Batters 699 OPS allowed too.
  17. He couldn't draft or develop players either. Thank god he was gifted with Mike Trout.
  18. if you looked at the game logs -- you'd realize how truly moronic your entire argument is. Basically, you said MS batted him fourth.. He never did.. Not once. Never in his entire life as a MLB player did Willits get a start as the cleanup hitter like you claimed. He did get into 26 games where he would have batted fourth, but failed to get at bats in most of them because he came in as a defensive replacement when the team ahead. The one time he entered the game before the 8th inning, the team was getting blown out 14-0. You can move the goalposts all you want, you can cling to your beliefs all you want... but to continue to argue your original point had merit is a fools errand.
  19. I think Guerra is a ticking time bomb so -- I wouldn't mind Street replacing him... But you're absolutely right -- there is no need for him to rush back.. There is no season to save, not dire need for a RP.
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