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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. Man -- Angels were linked to him for a long long time -- they were supposedly one of the first teams that had a guy following him everywhere -- based on his comments before the draft that he wanted to go somewhere he knew he was wanted.. Im guessing he's happy.
  2. Nobody is happier than TDawg right now -- Adell has a nice tan.
  3. The stream is locking up or the draft tracker??? this is the stream.. http://m.mlb.com/video/topic/210960834/v1469243883/live-2017-mlb-draft-day-1
  4. Watching the pre-draft thing... man this Hunter Greene kid is a pretty excellent human being... Great family story.
  5. So what are the lotto numbers? Props man -- there was nothing in his history to suggest he had this in him but you def wanted him...
  6. I should have just read Brent's post and said ditto.. LOL..
  7. Adell and it's not close.. He's raw, but his physical tools are across the board plusses. Beck saw better competition, is further along. So the risk here is, do you take the guy that saw weaker comp and is less further along but dominated or the guy that played against better competition but doesnt have the same ceiling.
  8. Yeah.... I thinks thats the reality of this draft... IMO, there are only a handful of guys in this draft that are likely studs -- Hunter Greene, Brendan McKay, McKenzie Gore, Kyle Wright -- by likely, I mean better than average bets to be above average players. Once you past the top 4-5 it's a bunch of guys who should be good MLB players. I don't know that the guy available at 10 will be that much better than the guy available at 20, or even 30 -- it's just one of those drafts, not bad mind you, just not really teeming with massive upsides.. So, I'm hoping for the biggest possible upside in whoever we end up taking -- Adell's been my favorite all spring because the tools are all there, but i think the team will make out okay either way.
  9. Given what he's been through, it's great to see him flourishing. The Angels needed a feel-good story this season and EY has more than given them that.
  10. I doubt it -- but I've seen some concerns he's a DH only moving forward. So, ya never know.
  11. What did his spots look like when Stoneman was the GM and the team never traded away prospects. It's popular to bag on Moreno, but at some point do the GMs get any blame? You have to figure Arte's spots were the same then as they are now -- the difference being the GM had a different idea what he wanted to do. I personally don't want Arte to stop wanting to win or being willing to spend to a certain level, but I do hope he's found a GM he trusts and who is actually good at putting a team together.
  12. They dodged some bullets on that Heyward FA class. The may be better off they didn't spend on some of the bigger ticket items people wanted.
  13. I've said the same thing since before the season started - sure it would be nice if the team did well, but I'm hoping for enough good individual performances to be able to obtain some talent... Nothing has changed for me, I figured they would start circling the drain once Trout went down but it hasn't happened yet. Hoping Fister comes up soon, does well, and nets us a piece. Maybin is definitely doing his part, some of the guys in the pen have as well. So, we could yet end up getting a piece or two. So.... In my perfect world.. get some prospects, get healthy, Skaggs, Trout, and G-Rich all come back after the deadline has passed and the team plays well giving us a better idea of what they have going into 2018.
  14. Adell was a pure tools guy coming into this year -- most people viewed him as immensely talented but was thought to be very raw. He wasn't expected to come along the way he did and then BAM -- kid absolutely blew up. He's got some of the same intangibles our current CF has -- great family, by all accounts his work ethic is off the charts, the kid is said to be very intelligent. He's been pure helium this Spring but there are questions about whether or not it's real or just a case of a talented kid beating up on weak competition... So, I'm hoping those things scare off people looking for a sure thing in the top 10 and the Angels maybe get lightning in a bottle for a second time.
  15. That kid is raking -- and yes, yes you did.
  16. Only 2 BB... thats gonna be the key for him. Great debut.
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