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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. LOL.... you didn't need to pretend to actually want discuss anything -- just be you and press on with your agenda. Everyone knows and nobody cares.
  2. My statement was self explanatory....
  3. I think we are trending towards nothing special -- it's been a weird weird trade deadline so far. I think the Tigers really shot everyone in the knee when they sold low on Martinez or maybe teams finally have figured out that the most valuable commodity in MLB is young talent... Once the deadline passes the best they can hope for is for all the injured SPs to come up pitch well and prove healthy.... That and good performances from young players... Play Trout everyday.. Play Simmons everyday... Play Cron everyday... Play Cowart everyday... Call up Perez and have him DH if they need to but just get him at bats -- let him prove he's more than a SLC creation.. whats the worse thing that could happen? he ups his trade value? Sit AP -- tell him to get in the weightless pool and lose weight and get healthier... if he needs to be romanced, tell him he's too important a part of their future to have him risk further injury in a lost season.. Whatever.. I don't want another story about his needing another surgery. Call up Cesar Puello -- throw him into LF and play him everyday... Neither Revere nor Maybin need any help in obtaining their next contracts -- they are known quantities, Puello is not.. so let's see if he's viable even if it's just as a 4th OFer...
  4. https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2017/07/rockies-trade-rumors-jonathan-lucroy-rangers.html
  5. Sweet baby Jesus.... Did you actually make ANY attempt to try read or understand what you responded to? There was zero speculation in my response.... I was pointing out that the very people some now want to hold "accountable" for injuries were around when the team had an almost unparalleled run of non-injuries... My point and what you are repeating here is that NOBODY is to blame.. It's just bad luck -- much like they had been extremely lucky the previous ten years. So.. basically, I was agreeing with you... But I guess we know how you came to own the swampland .... Go on with the snark...
  6. Finding another team to let him GM... That silver tongued devil can sure talk pretty...
  7. its still relatively early -- crap might yet get crazy but, the Martinez deal seems to have really hamstrung the sellers market...
  8. Ask them to explain the previous ten years where the Angels avoided major arm issues.... Basically they'd be questioning many of the same people that were around then, except for the MLB pitching coach who pretty much everyone wanted to hold accountable and was.. But yeah -- let's blame someone for bad luck because "accountability" while also ignoring the previous ten year run of tremendously good luck...
  9. Hermosillo is very much a "slow" bloomer if not a late bloomer, yes he's 22 but he's also in his 5th year of pro ball. That's not a criticism on my part.... I believe he's doing fine, he fits the normal development pace for his type but what Eaterfan is saying is that you can find an Hermosillo in most organizations -- He's right. I too believe the Anti-Angels bias is being overplayed, while at the same time understanding why people feel that way.. Still IMO, the Angels earned their rankings and the associated reputation.... there was just a lot to dislike about the system for a long, long time.. But again -- where they have been criminally underrated is in their ability to actually graduate the few prospects they HAVE had.. At the end of the day, none of us should really give a shit where we rank, if we can get back to producing a quality player every year or other year this franchise will be back where it used to be. The team is trending in the right direction.
  10. I don't care much for these lists in general and rarely do I have a reaction to them -- but that's one really bad list IMO. Very erratic, extremely subjective and pretty much devoid of any center. Normally, you can look at a list and kinda get what they are putting weight into but they are really all over the place with this one. There are seriously 20 or more guys that seemingly are making that list for no other reason other than Jonathan Mayo seems to like them.
  11. He wasnt a RP until after he got hurt - he was a SP when he was drafted. Cowart was indeed a first rounder... But whatever.. the point remains -- Cowart hasn't had enough steady play time or at bats to be labeled anything yet... People here are quick to shit on anyone that doesn't have instant success. If you're not Mike Trout, then you're Brandon Wood.
  12. Just like Bedrosian was... He was at times called the worst pitcher ever and people openly wondered why he was even still on the 40 man roster... Small samples are bad.. Smalls samples of erratic play time are even worse. This isn't to say that Cowart is good, it's more the reality that he hasn't been given the actual opportunity to prove he's as bad as the small sample crowd thinks he is.
  13. Career .224./.313/.400 in Angel Stadium Career .247/.295/.423 away from Kauffman Stadium Angel fans are severely overrating Moustakas.
  14. I dont think I ever heard anyone say he would be a superstar... Are you talking about these board or BBA? Because honestly, there were always questions about him -- the one thing that was said and has never happened -- it was believed he was going to be a good OBP guy... and Nope....
  15. RHP Ryan Clark – UNC Greensboro junior; 88-94 FB (96 peak) that is tough to elevate with ample sink, enough offspeed to start (CB and CU stand out as average or better future pitches); has the command, athleticism, and track record to suggest lots of good things to come; profile reminds me of many of the guys traded this deadline (e.g., Pivetta, Eickhoff) in packages that returned star big leaguers; underrated on my end before the draft, really nice pick https://baseballdraftreport.com/2015/08/03/2015-mlb-draft-reviews-atlanta-braves/ A bit of a writeup on Yan here -- http://www.scout.com/mlb/angels/story/1735869-angels-top-51-prospects-countdown-46-51 Scroll down, he ranked 48th.
  16. Pretty sure I responded to someone making a similar claim with the actual data on every GM out there... People are hilariously misinformed
  17. I' wasn't comping him to Calhoun -- I'm simply pointing out he hasn't had the sort of numerical dominance that Calhoun showed that raised expectations at even BBA. I only referenced Kole as an example of a guy who wasn't physically impressive or youthful but who did put up the sort of numbers that made people notice him. Barnes has the body dude.. He's one you dream on just because physically it's all there.
  18. I'm not getting the doom and gloom feel at all -- I think it's an accurate depiction of the state of the farm in recent years. I agree with them saying the team is better off keeping the few tradeable assets they have above AA. I don't even have a problem with Hermosillo failing to make the list... while athletic, he's not the sort of physical specimen BBA fawns over -- he's 5'11'' and pretty filled out so they likely view him as maxed out physically as he's likely to get. He's also running a career minor league triple slash line of .268/.373/.372 -- so he's not come close to putting up Calhoun type numbers that scream "sleeper alert" and while he's been younger than the league's he's been in, he's not been so far ahead of his age group he would be considered raw for the level of competition. Hermosillo is better than they are giving him credit for, but he's precisely the sort of player you'd expect BBA to gloss over. Those of us that watch the Angels system on a daily basis know his story and have seen the improvements he's made in season. BBA looks for certain things -- imposing physical tools, gawdy offensive performances, extremely young age .vs league -- everyone else is just a guy in their eyes. This isn't a bias against the Angels, I'm fairly certain they would view him in much the same manner if he were in the NYY or Boston systems, he's just not someone who makes a BBA list.. I've long said rankings lists mean shit -- this list means shit.. Look at the bright side... The Angels system has reached the point where a guy like Hermosillo, and someone like Nonie Williams who they would typically fawn all over both failed to make the list. That's a bigger sign of where the Angels are than anything else IMO.
  19. Age/Career OPS+ through 2016 28 - Hosmer - 107 31 - Alonso - 103 28 - Cron - 111 If this team signs a 1B coming off a juiced-ball infused season to any sort of significant money then the front office is indeed completely stupid and has learned nothing. Yes, Cron has been awful -- but he's also had all of a 125 at bats this season. Sorry, I'd much rather give Cron a mulligan than go with two career mediocrities coming off career years. And Im saying this despite the reality Cron has the worst OBP of the three. I don't think either one of the other two will be worth what they will be able to earn.
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