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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. The only thing you succeeded in proving is that you don't have a clue what stats to look at and that the finer points of performance evaluation are beyond your limited knowledge base.. This discourse has reached the point where I fear CPS will be called on me so .. later..
  2. I've touched on this several times - it doesn't seem to compute.
  3. Tell the Royals they can't use him in the rotation -- because that's what they intend to do. Again. what YOU want and what TEAMS want -- not the same thing. I wouldn't want any part of Cahill... But clearly the Padres just smoothed talked them into taking him -- it was all salesmanship and had nothing to do with Travis Wood's 6.91 ERA.
  4. Actually, I said a team needs a willing partner... I further argued that the teams most likely to want our guys traded for better options, an opinion not a fact.. You're woefully inept at following along -- perhaps because you seem awfully triggered. So please.. tell me... in what world are ERA and WAR better measures of RP performance than WHIP, K/9 and BB/9? Your entire basis for comparison are WAR and ERA.. neither of which is predictive and one of which is utterly meaningless when discussing a RP.
  5. He's been used as a SP this year.. He's started 185 games in his career -- out of 287 appearances... its funny you're ignoring that.... But then again, you think WAR and ERA are predictive....
  6. I'm not making excuses.. It will be disappointing if he doesn't move them for something. But to lose faith over it -- well.. that's ignorant. You'd be losing faith in the same guy that picked those guys up off the discard pile and got something out for nothing. Again, it's the idiotic notion that a team can FORCE another team to enter into a trade while ignoring what those teams may want or have available to them that I find laughable. Deadline is a few days off -- Im still hoping they are able to find takers... It'll suck if they don't.
  7. LOL. So which of Norris or Hernandez is capable of being a SP like Cahill? Mauer is crap I agree -- but he was a throw in as part of the Cahill deal along with Ryan Butcher another LHRP, and Estuery Ruiz, a minor league SS putting up a OPS near .900. Maurer is also under club control through 2020.. No idea what KC is looking for there. But perhaps you could enlighten us since you got all the answers...
  8. Yes... . I'm the one living in a misunderstood fantasy world of baseball... The one where WAR is a more predictive tool for future success as opposed to WHIP when talking about RPs.. Tell me more a bout these real stats... Because you are a fountain of light in these dark dark times...
  9. Good lord man. Nunez is an IFer.. his WAR means dick when talking about Norris and Hernandez... which you are... Jennings is a LHP with an estalished track record and under club control through 2020. But please -- keep deluding yourself.
  10. He's a left-hander.. Thats what the Rays were supposedly looking for in the pen. They just got Boxberger back off the DL.. They have Whitley and Hunter as RHs in front of Colome.... Again. WHAT YOU WANT - and what other teams are looking for/willing to do are two different things. But please.. Keep stomping your foot while ignoring that simple fact.
  11. What part isn't remotely true? That better pitchers were available? Or that they had better resumes? Your opinion of "value" means nothing in this discussion. Again. . What you want to happen and what others teams are willing to do are not one in the same.
  12. So.... nevermind that better, more diserable options were available. These other teams should have settled for lesser talents with weaker recent resume's because some Angels message board poster wants his baba.. Got it..
  13. In this case it means nobody has wanted Escobar for two years straight and there were better RPs available. But yeah -- youre also right in that it tells us how those other teams value the guys we had to offer.
  14. Not sure if you were here last year but Escobar was in the middle of a better season last year and when the guy that covers the team was approached with questions about whether the team was going to trade him he told us that the feeling he was getting was that nobody wanted him. Perhaps you could tell us the obvious suitors for their services.. Because the Nats traded for two guys with WHIPS under 0.800... So, better than what we have to offer.. The Rockies traded for a RP with a significantly better track record and it doesn't seem like anyone has any interest in Escobar... The D-backs, Brewers and Rockies all have better players manning 3B. The NL Wild Card race is not close -- it's a limited market and the team that most needed help in the pen, got it. The most obvious target in the AL WC race for RP help was TB -- they just acquired Dan Jennings, again, a player with a much better recent track record. We are in total agreement in who the most obvious potential targets should be -- but again... you need to find a willing partner.
  15. The thing about trades..... someone else has to want what we have first....
  16. 10 of the top 12 bWAR totals on the 2017 Angels belong to Eppler additions -- they have combined for more than 16.3 WAR with 60 games to go...
  17. Almost how it went down -- We were going back and forth discussing something like always and I made the comment - "well you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that....." Given we had always had very cordial debates but also being aware I can be a snarky SOB, he sent me PM asking me what the intent was behind the comment.. And that was how Robert and I told each other about our career choices... LOL... Thanks to his gracious nature no insults were hurled in either direction.. Doc... Please tell me you're a brain surgeon.. Cause.. well, that would make this all the funnier...
  18. Might be the hormone therapy that comes with transitioning. Everyone else gets to learn how to adjust to the onset of hormones in their teens -- it's got to be a lot harder to do a 180 as a full grown adult and not have it kick you in the gut in some way.. To that end. Remember Mike Penner? LA Timers.. This article covers his story and suicide.. http://www.laweekly.com/news/mike-penner-christine-daniels-a-tragic-love-story-2166467
  19. So, since he got his TUE..... From age 19 through his age 24 season Beltre was a 97 OPS+ hitter.... Entering his FA year he blows up -- both physically and with the bat.. puts up a 168 OPS+ From age 25 through his age 30 season Beltre was a 102 OPS hitter.. Then he takes a ball off the boys... One of the boys is damaged -- Beltre obtains a TUE for testosterone. From age 31 through his age 38 season and with the TUE Beltre has been an OPS+ 133 hitter. When have we seen aging curves like that before? But PEDs never helped anyone become a better player or so Big Mac tried to tell us.
  20. It's almost like you're a rocket scientist.... (I still LOL at that every time I think about it)
  21. You catch a lot of shit TD -- but I'll tip my cap to your choice of thread titles.. I LOLed....
  22. Just out of curiosity -- does the military currently pay for elective plastic surgery? Boob jobs, nose jobs -- etc etc... Not talking about getting shot in the face and having to get it fixed but just someone that isn't happy with their appearance and wants to improve on what mother nature gave them... I find it funny they are spending so much on viagra but I guess a case can be made that's due to medical necessity maybe.. nobody likes a broken penis.. But if they are paying for anything elective.... it gets a lot harder to say the transgender BS is any different.
  23. Youll get a big kick out of it...
  24. its Def on Prime and I believe Hulu -- might be on Netflix too. Give it a look, youll get a kick out of it
  25. Have you checked out Everybody Wants Some yet? It's the follow up to Dazed and Confused -- revolves around baseball.
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