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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. Yeah man -- I don't think it's coming across like that. Those two games in the NL are going to get him a lot more rope unfortunately. I'm not an Albert hater but he's been bad all year. I know he's supposedly healthy and all that -- but to me he looks like a guy that hasn't been right all year. I had said I hoped they would shut him down and tell him to get healthier and in better baseball shape.. Don't think we will see that after his mini-hot streak in Philly. Conversely -- I'm not a Revere fan, I hate empty batting averages and really, that's all Revere brings to the table but he's been hot and they need to ride that out IMO. Revere/Maybin both add speed to the lineup .. I know people love the long ball and all that but this team has played it best ball this year when those two have been running around and making crap happen.
  2. http://www.espn.com/mlb/preview?gameId=370804103 This is the game preview from tonights game at ESPN ... The article itself was written by STATS LLC.... and the reason Im linking it here is because it essentially makes the case that people are starting to notice Eppler has an eye for talent and a methodology in place that is starting to reap benefits for the Angels.. The Angels portion of the article is a pretty good read IMO...
  3. @Angelsjunky Maybe I have you mistaken for someone else -- if so, my apologies... But didn't you start a thread earlier this season somewhat wistfully looking back at how you had lost some of your passion/love for baseball??? Isn't it funny how seeing signs of life and the possibility that the team is righting the ship can start to change all that? I'm not writing this to poke fun at you or anything remotely close to that -- but seeing you so gung-ho about the guys in the minors and once again vested in the Halos is pretty awesome -- and IMO, a sign that this team is finally back on track.. It's so refreshing to wake up in the morning and regardless of whether the big league team won or lost still wanting to see how the guys on the farm did... This is starting to feel like 2003 for me... yeah the season's been meh... but, there is enough going in the minors that I'm really excited about where this team is going and out chances in the near future... Hearing that half the roster is getting closer to getting off the DL is fun too. Even if it's just a month, would be really neat to get a glimpse of what 2018 could look like. Go Halos...
  4. It helps that the guys they are auditioning likely offer the best chance at actually contending.
  5. http://www.espn.com/mlb/stats/rpi/_/sort/sos Or maybe we should just play good teams less often...
  6. Mobile BayBears‏Verified account @Mobile_BayBears Follow More Michael Hermosillo has been promoted to @SaltLakeBees. Outfielder Brennon Lund joins the BayBears. Read more: http://atmilb.com/2u7KRV7
  7. Rose has been a real lout about it .. The dude basically called everyone else liars. He's about as shitty a human being as you can find in a non murdering POS.
  8. I'm not saying they should, I'm saying I understand why people feel they could have found some middle ground if they wanted to -- to date they haven't felt the need to and FWIW, I'm in the camp that believes he did this to himself. As a side note, I don't know how much control MLB has over the HOF, from what I understand the HOF is it's own private entity. It's probably something I should have taken more interest in or have a better understanding of but for whatever reasons I've just never been all that big on the HOF or the HOF voting. Bobby Grich not being in there while lesser 2B are has always ground my gears and made me lose interest. No Bobby! No Peace!
  9. Your post argued that his achievements on the field needed to be recognized -- I'm simply pointing out that the HOF has in fact recognized his accomplishments and that he's noted as the all time hits leader in the HOF. Again, you can see Pete Rose jerseys bats and hats there it's not like they have tried to erase him or his legacy. What they haven't done is honor him as a HOFer, a personal distinction he desperately wants but he's been locked out of due to his own poor judgement. His exclusion from the HOF like that of Joe Jackson's is something people will always talk about and will always be up for debate -- in that sense it's elevated Rose to a level most HOFers never reach. People will always talk about Pete Rose, there are dozens of HOFers nobody remembers much less talk about. In some ways his exclusion is a huge part of his legacy.. To be perfectly frank I totally understand your position, the asterisk stating he had been banned seems like a decent compromise.
  10. They recognize his being the all times hits leader. They haven't stricken his name from the record books, they have his Reds and Phillies unis as well as his bats in the HOF. So, if someone is looking for him, the memory of Pete Rose IS in the HOF... He's just not a HOFer.
  11. Honestly, not sure a bad Skaggs is any worse than the usual from Nolasco or Chavez. The sooner he gets to throwing meaningful innings the better. Skaggs just needs to show he can avoid injury -- Richards too whenever he gets around to pitching again.
  12. Yeah -- I don't think the actual performance matters as much as the pitch count... If he gets to around 85 pitchers he's close or ready to make his 2017 debut.
  13. Something different is definitely going on -- they are seemingly more saber aware than Eppler let on when first came on board and downplayed that part of his background. Or maybe it's just a case of his having been very self aware that led to his infusion of money into the numbers end of the Angels front office. Regardless -- I'm really excited about how this team seems to be fusing it's saber and scouting analysis. I know we are years away from seeing this all really pay off - but it's nice to see things have changed.
  14. Funniest part of this for me -- Littel is the same pitcher Dipoto traded away for a RP... James Pazos, WHIP near 1.4.. BB/9 over 4.00. Pretty much every SP prospect JD had traded away this year has flourished.. Yabrough was sent packing for Smyly.... he's done well at AAA... mid 3 ERA, K/9 over 9.0 -- meanwhile it's likely Smyly will never throw a single pitch for Seattle. Gohara was sent packing for Mallex Smith (also used to get Smyly), and he's developed into a top 100 prospect. This Littel guy was moved for Pazos and all he did was go 14-1 with a 1.87 ERA... So as an Angels fan .. Thanks Jerry.
  15. He's 21, in AAA nearly 6 years below the league average and posted an OPS of .775. To be honest, the only shot the Angels would have to get a guy like him would be if he had a disappointing year and I don't believe he's disappointed at all. Underwhelming numbers for a RFer maybe -- but for a guy his age he's held his own and then some.. Well. IMO anyway.
  16. The Angels were no worse than top 5 in SBs and going 1st to 3rd through 2012 -- they were actually one SB off the AL leader in 2012 with 134 and were the AL leaders in sacrifice hits and SB% ... Then they brought in a guy who was sure he was smarter than everyone else and he started to chase station to station types.... By 2015 they were second to last in SBs and dead last in SB%. That same year the KC Royals won the WS while playing classic MS baseball, even as many Angel fans complained the game had passed Scioscia by.. They currently lead the AL in SBs... So, it appears that with a change at the very top we are seeing a return to a more athletic style of baseball that the team actually had some success with. They just need to find better players....
  17. I responded to the Trout portion previously. I have responded to your post exactly as you say you did Doc's. You called the thread pointless.. I disagreed, I further showed you were you had just contradicted yourself and I gave you my opinion of what I deem pointless. I'm sorry if you didn't like my opinion ... but ... I'm allowed right? Geesh you like to bitch...
  18. Does it? Not even an hour ago you said this.. "Additionally I think it's a great topic to discuss so props to Doc and his opinion on the subject.". The thread isn't pointless -- the topic isn't pointless.. Stating the obvious in every thread ... That's pointless.. And yet, you can be counted on to do just that .. over and over and over again. Please strive to be more than pointless... again. It would be nice to have an actual baseball conversation with you ... again.
  19. Dude is a broken record. Same talking points over and over because well. agenda...
  20. FFS -- he doesn't need to be his Dad.. Stop being so damn dense. I reference Griffey's comments not because it was his Dad that told him but because he realized his Father had been right -- it's the message not the messenger. The fact that Reggie and others have made similar comments speaks to the strength of the actual argument not who it is that's saying it. It's not a difficult concept it's just one that doesn't jive with your agenda and let's be real -- you are all about your agenda, not facts, not debate.. agenda. BTW --You need not preach to me that he's earned the right to do what he wants ... nor do I need to be told his wife might influence his thoughts -- you don't need to because unlike yourself I have never claimed to KNOW what Mike Trout thinks, you've never seen me make unequivocal statements about what he will do or what he thinks like you are prone to do... We all know what Mike's history is -- we all know what his career path is.. We all know where he ranks in baseball lore and where he could ultimate rank all time... Stop acting like you've invented electricity while fiddling on your PC... Mike will do what he wants to do.. We all know this -- you aren't treading into new territory here...
  21. Your post is a direct rebuttal to what the OP said - you opened with "you're wrong on everything" and where he says "I think" when discussing what Mike Trout might be thinking you basically respond with "No" and proceed to state your opinion as a fact. To turn around and tell others not to respond to your opinion is laughable. FWIW -- I think Doc is right in that AP is likely to tell Mike to stay home ... Ken Griffey Jr has gone on record as saying his Father had told him to stay home, and that no team's fans would ever show him the same level of affection as the team you first come up with. Reggie Jackson has made similar comments. Eddie Murray has on several occasions stated his biggest regret was leaving Baltimore. It's a pretty common sentiment shared by players across many sports. I won't speak as to what Mike Trout thinks. I think anyone that speaks for him or claims to know what he's thinking is a complete tool. What we do know about Mike Trout is that he's not the typical superstar. He's driven and has an ego, but not driven by his ego -- at least that's the vibe he gives off. He's clearly devoted to his family and home, that may or may not extend to what he views as his baseball family. By most accounts, AP and Trout have a good relationship -- to the best of my knowledge Mike hasn't had issues with MS, and he's recently spoken of how much he likes Eppler and how he acts like a GM should. I have no idea what Mike thinks of Arte, I can't offer an opinion other than I doubt the players question his desire to win. The Angels best chance to keep him long term is to make him believe they will contend. They need to show they have a plan, and that the plan involves going deep into the postseason. IMO, they are best served by making Trout believe and cultivating their relationship with him. Basically, they have a few years to make it as difficult as possible for Mike Trout to leave the only baseball "home" he's had.
  22. Was I part of the stupid, or the gross.. Both?
  23. Remember when DH's all used to hit? Geesh --four guys with an OPS over .800 or a SLG% over .475. Doesn't change that AP looks done.. Just a far cry from what you used to see at DH.
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