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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. An all too early look at the "missed opportunities" Cobb -- 2 GS, 7 IP, 20 H, 2 BB, 4K, 3.143 WHIP, 15.43 ERA Lynn -- 3 GS, 15 IP, 13 H, 15 BB, 19 K, 1.867 WHIP, 6.00 ERA Darvish- 4 GS, 19.2 IP, 21 H, 11 BB, 21 K, 1.627 WHIP, 6.86 ERA Outside of Arrieta, none of the popular names bantered around here have done well at all. It's obviously tiny samples but for all the bellyaching about our SPs, the popular alternatives haven't done well (again save for Arrieta).
  2. That wouldn't happen either as you have assured us many times that he lost his chance at a big payday. So which is it?
  3. Cleveland is likely asking themselves the same thing.....
  4. Former Halo won it for Braves after former Halo Howie Kendrick tied it up for the Nats.....
  5. Think that was Chicago.... but Tampa doesnt draw much bigger than that....
  6. Tell them they aren't a baseball town ... see what happens... JD pissed away a lot of talent on deadline deals for Garza and other mediocrities..
  7. I don't think he's as much a fan of baseball as he is of business and making money.
  8. “The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.” -- John Wooden. Big Mac was a big cheat... the end.
  9. @Jeff Fletcher As I said in the Taylor Ward thread, thank you so much for your continued presence here and the valuable insights you always provide. This thread was long overdue and most definitely deserved.
  10. He's doing his best to give them herpes. What an embarrassment of a franchise...
  11. His command was off but he battled .vs a team that's owned him. Hard to complain.... Well for most people anyway.
  12. Loud noises!!! Given how badly they have butchered this Ohtani situation so far this season, I guess it's totally justified be outraged. This wouldn't even be an issue if only they had listened to this board and sent him to AAA where he clearly belongs..... Maybe we see Ohtani the pinch hitter tonight. I'm more concerned with seeing if Skaggs finally overcomes his issues facing Texas. He's been their bitch.
  13. See...this is the sort of insight that ends a lot of the speculation.... Thanks for your continued presence here....
  14. Eric Chavez likely had a lot of say here... He's clearly a guy Eppler puts a of of faith in.
  15. I agree with you, it just seems they have punted on his work with pitchers, so my comments are more about them being able to salvage the situation. Yep, the slugging would be pretty optimistic, the obp is maybe a little light given what he's shown. The unknown is how his offense responds to no longer having to catch. My numbers were guesswork and wishful thinking more than anything else.
  16. At this point -- if he becomes a .270/.330/.425, third baseman it would be a huge win for the organization...
  17. Well, they got him before adding Schimpf, but I guess the question is - can he also play CF? I get the feeling the SLC to Anaheim shuttle will get a ton of frequent flyer miles for some guys...
  18. They may want to supervise his off day throwing or go over his sequencing.
  19. LOL, I thought the same thing.. Dude wrote him off after some meaningless games in ST, now after two starts he's doing a complete 180. John Smoltz on MLB Network's morning show was still expressing his doubts. Mark DeRosa was kind of sort of holding his feet to the flames comparing the starts of their respective careers.. Was pretty funny.
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