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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. Highest possible upside -- Adell. He's scary athletic The can't miss part is much harder to pinpoint.
  2. As I said -- at least you have the entire game to recover. In truth Cam needs to be replaced ASAP.. He's been shitty in every possible situation and last time I looked first batters he faced this year had an OPS over 1.000. Dude has been unbelievably awful.
  3. Personally, I'd throw the worst guy in the pen out there first... at least you have the entire game to recover. Any situation that robs the Angels the use of Noe later in the game and makes it so they have to rely on Cam is a bad one IMO.
  4. Hard to say right now -- their performance .vs us aside, the pitching there hasn't been very good. But if a team can shorten the game at the end by using a mediocre RP to open... it may prove to be a pretty innovative approach. Personally, I like seeing teams try new things.. it wasn't too long ago that people were saying the 6 man rotation wouldn't work, would throw the other pitchers off, and destined to fail and yet so far so good in Anaheim.
  5. The farm is why I'm not sweating whatever happens this year. They are trending in the right direction and ahead of where I thought they would be as an organization. The Kinsler, Calhoun and even AP situation can be resolved in house.... they just need to actually decide to do it.
  6. But do you ever watch it anymore? That's where they have completely jumped the shark IMO. Letting Jayson Stark go was horrible too.
  7. A lot of the progress being seen has happened this year.... Most of the talent was in the low minors... They have also seen some guys absolutely blow up this year.
  8. http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/23561838/los-angeles-angels-shohei-ohtani-experiment-just-working-perfect The Shohei Ohtani experiment isn't just working -- it's been perfect
  9. I'm happy there are so many to choose from.. when the inevitable attrition hits there are more prospects to wish on.
  10. They really have hit rock bottom IMO... I check scores on there and will look at the front page of their MLB section but I don't even watch Sunday night BB anymore.. and I totally love Matty V....
  11. Well, they just promoted Thaiss and Ward to AAA.. So.. Who knows what the team may be thinking at the all star break and if AP's circling the drain at an even faster clip...
  12. Great call.... Man, there hasn't been anyone like Healey since his passing. Dude was one of a kind.
  13. Man, what happened to Hollywood? Dude used to be ride JD's jock like it was his job. Hated the Simmons trade, hated the Gott trade predicted greatness for JD post Angels and doom for Eppler. Makes his singing the praises of the Singleton deal look like a high point.
  14. I know there are a ton of people living in India... but it's kinda hilarious that there were multiple cricket players listed and nobody from MLB.
  15. I think this is aimed at keeping their spirits up... This may be them taking the human element into consideration. I'm gonna assume that words gets out when other players get promotions, so a flurry of moves below them might make for excitement in the clubhouse and I can see guys like Thaiss and Ward starting to wonder when they may get promoted Or it may just be as simple as the organization having asked them both to work on one thing and having seen improvement in the area they are moving them up. Not gonna lie, I've always wondered what leads teams to make promotions.. The Angels under the current front office has been much more apt to promote guys aggressively. My personal hope.. Billy Eppler and company are the sort of front office that takes stock of what they do have and can use (and will need), early and then plan the rest of year roster accordingly.
  16. 2b has historically been a weak offensive position ... It's also sees a tremendous amount of churn. Back in the pre-PED days the thinking was anyone with 700 games at 2b was a ticking time bomb... What you're right about is that most positions see guys move off them, where second base has been different is that most guys don't tend to move off 2b to a different position..... they go from 2b to retired.... Rod Carew is probably the best example of a 2b that moved off second and extended his career for a significant length of time. Craig Biggio spent a few seasons in the OF before moving back but as a whole it's not the norm....
  17. Hughes' body is mush.... No clue what his pitch profile looks like but he's had everything break the last two years.
  18. In typical fashion you flip flopped on whether or not he would opt out depending on what your narrative was that day. But nice try pretending you didn't say he would opt out. Are you ready to respond to all the direct questions you have dodged yet?
  19. You said over and over that he would opt out -- so save it. Scroll up. I did respond once you actually asked the question.. Stop projecting your chickenshit behavior on others. Now go back and answer all the questions you have run away from....
  20. When did you ask me to address the difference in production? You didn't. You claimed the Red Sox were getting more bang for their buck in response to my pointing out he will have earned 16 million more in salary through year two of his deal at which point he can leave and get a bigger better deal. I'm not the one with the long history of bitching out whenever someone asks them a direct question. To date Martinez has hit better... He's also going to make 8 million more this year, based on your belief system he has to outperform Upton in order to be worth it.
  21. So, that whole time when you were guaranteeing that Upton would opt out and test FA it's because you secretly believed he had a good year despite your ragging on him? And if you believe he will continue to perform at his current pace -- why wouldn't Martinez opt out after next season? Your very reasoning betrays your argument. It's laughable.
  22. He has to be on the DL for 60 games or more or 120 games combined in 2020 and 2021. On what planet would a guy having missed that many games be in a good position to find a better deal? Please -- enlighten me - in what way does this safeguard the Red Sox? The only possible way this works in their favor is if he hits .400 for two months in 2020 and then misses he rest of the year. And this is only true if he didn't already opt out after 2019 when he will be the same age as Lorenzo Cain was this year ... when he got a 5 year deal.
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