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Inside Pitch

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Everything posted by Inside Pitch

  1. https://www.fangraphs.com/statss.aspx?playerid=16201&position=P#pitchvalues. Nope.
  2. That would be incorrect..... But pretty much every mention of the Angels is accompanied by "F the Angels"...
  3. How did it go? The kids that came into our office absolutely cleaned up... I checked the KK website and I guess they are called BOGO cards.
  4. Krispy kreme does some cool school fundraiser stuff.... I forget what I paid but it was a plastic card with puncholes for a dozen donuts once a month or for ten dozen total with the purchase of a dozen... Pretty much everyone in the office bought a few of them.
  5. I think you nailed it here in this response -- Sports are more and more about entertainment value. If a person doesn't find something entertaining they are best off taking their business elsewhere, it's the only intelligent thing to do. There is likewise something to be said for not ruining the experience for those who still enjoy the team.
  6. I bet you they will try putting a limit on how many times a team employs a defensive shift in the near future.
  7. The average cost of going to an Angels game in 2012 (after AP) was 159.00 (5th lowest) an 8.4% increase from 2011. Today it's 194.02 (7th lowest) about $40.00 below the league average. https://www.statista.com/statistics/202611/fan-cost-index-of-the-major-league-baseball/ I've said this before but given the relative cost cost of living in the area and the team's payroll they are one of baseballs biggest bargains... Beyond that - when compared to the other big sports, MLB is far and away the biggest bargain in general.. https://public.tableau.com/profile/russell.scibetti#!/vizhome/FanCostIndexAcrossProfessionalSports/ByLeague
  8. I'd rather get rid of the guy a year too soon than a year too late. He's done better but he is still not doing well .vs FBs...
  9. If they lower the mound you'll see another spike in injuries as more and more pitchers start trying to torque their arms to create downforce.
  10. I've heard this attached to another catcher before -- when I asked what what that meant exactly, the particular scout I spoke to said it was mostly how he dealt with the pitchers, that he wasn't that vested in them performing well and simply set up and did what he was supposed to do back there. He didn't mean it in an overtly critical way so much as he implied the catcher was more interested in his own improvements. It's interesting to see it used by someone else, maybe it's scout-speak which is kind of neat. TY for the insights Fletch.
  11. Maybe Ill beat him to it and self ass kick?
  12. Or..... they are the same person... Mysteries abound everywhere...
  13. And you're the "best God damn hitter" Pop Fisher ever saw......
  14. Everyone is always trying to argue about who is right and who is wrong. It's time for people to realize that "All of your bases belong to @Lou".... in 6 months.... when he "I agrees" with people.
  15. If ever an account shows up named MOOKYSPICE... talk to @Tank
  16. Yes, you are. Not sure what's happened between you two recently I don't particularly follow other people's pissing matches... but you seem to keep trying to goad him into responding then blather on about being in his head. It seems you think (I'm guessing), he's made different accounts? So tell me again, who is getting to who? Tilting at windmills much? It's cute you think making yourself look foolish is clever.
  17. Victor Robles and Juan Soto.... Pretty sure those two have made retaining Harper less of a life or death proposition for Washington.
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