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Everything posted by katie

  1. I have had reoccurring dreams like this too, for about the last 10 years. Haven't had one in a year though. I've never looked up what it means.
  2. There was a video on AFV that was like that ^ got 2nd place
  3. They have Deno in RF and he's doing really well this year.
  4. The Taliban is trying to claim responsibility
  5. A hot bf, great friends, finally a job that I love (and saves lives), and a house a block away from the beach. yeah yeah bring on the Porsche jokes
  6. It's not bad, but nothing beats real bacon.
  7. http://gawker.com/5994974/the-most-deranged-sorority-girl-email-you-will-ever-read
  8. I used to make smoothies everyday for a few months until I got over cleaning the blender everyday: spinach peanut butter greek yogurt almond milk a frozen banana about 5 ice cubes
  9. Call me racist but they all look the same to me.
  10. Boobies everywhere... I think they forgot to put the clothes on her that she was supposed to be modeling.
  11. I had to google Lucy pinder. I wouldn't recommend going to her website if you're at work, there are topless pictures on the home page of the site. Is she a porn star or something?
  12. This happened to a Kenyan soccer ref by a coach... He didn't die though http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more-sports/ref-suit-claims-coach-grab-caused-impotence-article-1.1324038
  13. Does it matter? They will still end up looking like this
  14. Worst fans AND drivers: "Oh, and I moved here because you are bad drivers. I am an insurance adjuster. Back in the midwest the work was slow because the accident percentages where very low. I asked to moved to a city with sh*tty drivers and here I am. I have made a ton of money." (from comments)
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