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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. lol has increased sitting around the house. not sure if this sore throat is from that or i got the virus.
  2. great point. my advice goes out the window if hot chicks are involved
  3. as a nation we have a choice. at some point life must go home. sometimes life and liberty demands you charge machine gun fire. other times it requires you to work and produce with deadly viruses and bacteria present. Neither are ideal but eventually the battle must be fought.
  4. Accidental poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances 64,795 5,027 64 Drug poisoning 61,311 5,313 68 Opioids (including both legal and illegal) 43,036 7,569 96 All motor vehicle accidents 40,231 8,096 103 Car occupants 7,248 44,939 572 Motorcycle riders 4,832 67,409 858 Pedestrians 7,450 43,721 556 Assault by firearm 14,542 22,399 285 Exposure to smoke, fire and flames 2,812 115,832 1,474 Fall on and from stairs and steps 2,493 130,654 1,662 Drowning and submersion while in or falling into swimming pool 723 450,511 5,732 Fall on and from ladder or scaffolding 569 572,441 7,283 Air and space transport accidents 385 846,024 10,764 Firearms discharge (accidental) 486 670,204 8,527 Cataclysmic storm (3) 132 2,467,570 31,394 Flood 27 12,063,673 153,482 Lightning 19 17,143,115 218,106 Earthquake and other earth movements 13 25,055,321 318,770 Bitten or struck by dog 36 9,047,755 115,111 I would way each of these odds carefully before I dared to leave my house. If you can't rule them all out, probably best to stay home View Archived Tables
  5. Obviously, elected officials would vote. After this is done, it would be a good time to revisit existing powers and establish constitutional powers as needed for a lot of these procedures. I can't really speak to the Bernie supporters down in Florida.
  6. Yes honest data is a real problem worldwide. My concern is we are using mass numbers of unknown carrier numbers to support shutdowns and not adjusting the death rate accordingly. I have no problem with temporary shutdowns but we need to be very careful as the government looks to extend these. An 18 month shutdown will have generational impacts that may out weigh current lives lost. We really do need reliable numbers to make that type of long term decision. pretty huge difference between 2.3 and .23% in terms of lives lost. Trump isnt a small government guy and his base is loyal enough to give away freedoms if he proposes it. Same ones who bitch about Bernie. I don't believe the good Lord created us to hunker down in fear for 18 months. Powerful people never let an emergency or tragedy go to waste. Patriot Act sounded good at first, now we cant go on an airplane without someone taking a picture of our dick
  7. This is why I have huge doubts about this shit. Trump is starting to get a few compliments from CNN and MSNBC and that makes me nervous. A few weeks is not a huge deal but anything more than that needs to be brought before the people. Sadly, conservatives are a lot more willing to hand over their freedom to bush or trump vs obama.
  8. So all I need is to upload a picture of an ass and I am legit?
  9. I wouldn't under estimate that awful kimchi smell as helping in the fight.
  10. True. Assuming they didn’t and were unsuspecting carriers it would lower the deaths rate to about .2-.3%. Over double the normal flu but maybe not the end of the world bug.
  11. Reports saying the number of infected could be 5 to 10 times actual reported cases. I’m not a math major but wouldn’t that drop the death rate considerably
  12. we shouldnt worry. spending a trillion dollars we don't have fixes every crisis.
  13. This is a damn shame. I bet this kids daddy is a metrosexual with the with them fag glasses. At 6, my daddy built me a wooden boxing ring and i got a punching bag for Christmas. At 13 i was dipping skoal during baseball games trying to get some pussy afterwards. poor parenting and kids like this how we get a team full of lesbians on the womens national team and bruce jenner wins a damn beauty contest. i just hope espn dont get a hold of this. when he turns 18 they will do a body issue because he beat some girls in a bike race
  14. lol wife just made me a cup of black. believe she just poured hot water over some coffee grounds. pretty thick
  15. he just setting the narrative to start the war
  16. rep doesnt equal con. just look at the the terminator.
  17. Yes I took it down not good for this board
  18. When I was younger I had to go full racist on a few asian cab drivers in san diego
  19. Don't celebrate too much. A modern day California Republican is still a gay democrat to most conservatives.
  20. things should be fine as long as they are still allowed out to shit in the street
  21. russian soccer is really gay. i was watchiing the mexican league untl the killed it yesterday. the mexican fans keep in interesting for me.
  22. really good thing. i think we were a few days late in stressing this as a nation. hopefully some of these bulk buyers are looking out for other folks. i know i have a few people on my buying list now.
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