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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. how did i miss the great one from california. so there is no positive
  2. maybe but he is gaining support. he dug into the dem playbook with freeshit
  3. not a hoax but the media cares a lot more about defeating trump than saving lives. if lives were important why would they go after 500 million for planned parenthood in a coronavirus relief package? they will shift to something quickly if his approval ratings continues to climb and we start to turn the corner. I disgree with a lot of the bailouts etc he is proposing but i cant argue he is running this shit like a boss. the american people are taking note as well. wasnt that long ago the media covered troop deaths daily under bush. obama won and not a damn word as we saw a huge increase of deaths in afghanistan
  4. this thing been here for a good while. highly contagious but not as lethal as people are being led to believe
  5. on a positive note at least the dem senators were not dumping stocks like a few rinos were
  6. in all fairness the impeachment was the focus of democrats in the senate in January. many of who get the same intel. if trumps approval numbers continue to climb this virus is going to slowly lose steam in the news.
  7. yes cause they dont have the option of mass shutdowns. people will literally starve there without work. hopefully we can recover and provide some support
  8. would not be the first time they have killed their own. hopefully some people will understand when trump says chinese he is drawing attention to china not being racist. the world needs to have a very long discussion with them soon.
  9. I believe several positive things could come out of all this. The importance of borders, domestic drug production, and the second amendment seem to be be gaining support. Just hope all the precedents being set shutting down businesses and curfews gets a solid review going forward.
  10. blarg before and after the china virus.
  11. the contagion factor will be significantly higher but ultimately the death rate isnt going to warrant the hysteria and long term damage the nation is about to suffer.
  12. Since you asked. Hopefully this reminds everyone things could be worse
  13. yes, i dont get sick often and our whole family got sick. our county supposedly has a non travel related case so i believe many americans have had this thing for a month or so without being tested. guy who got it lives way out on a damn farm.
  14. i pray for gay people all the time. Should i add you to the list?
  15. Appreciate the support. We did have our first confirmed case. The more I research this thing I believe I defeated it about 3 weeks ago. I had a bad case of the shits. So bad, i was about 2 seconds late to the shitter. My wife enjoyed washing those wranglers Whole day with dry cough and sick for about two weeks. The cure is one bottle of nyquil, 3 bottles of pepto, and a carton of marlboros.
  16. the military still has old m40 masks just collecting dust at supply depots. wouldnt be a bad idea to get these to our hospital workers. i have no idea how effective the filter would be but I would hope it was built for things a lot stronger
  17. No doubt prayers for your daughter. Hope they get her equipment soon. Blargs was the last I read before I made a post. I didnt read your post until now. We probably dont agree on much but God keep your child safe. America will owe a great debt to all of our healthcare pros when this is said and done. no doubt her bravery is saving lives
  18. yes i might give it try while im on lockdown.
  19. i thought about it. quite a few vape shops here. really need to quit. one can do pretty much anything we set our minds to doing. i really enjoy smoking is the problem
  20. no i smoke outside. im not that rude
  21. good time for you to work on that new reality show documenting your hormonal treatments and transition
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