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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. I would like to think we could at least out test some of these socialist utopias. Not asking for 300 million
  2. No doubt. The one major flaw in how we handled this. Testing would help stop spread and prove or disprove the lethality.
  3. .5% in countries with extensive testing. Get it right
  4. Agree. Testing will reveal the true lethality of this disease
  5. We don’t want to test too much. Germany and South Korea are testing like crazy and the results show this ain’t bubonic plague. Last thing Americans need to know is the truth
  6. I hope so. I know I am going to pay a little more to avoid their products. Bad thing is the communist party will be just fine. Their people will take the brunt of it
  7. I got a threatening call few months back about midnight. Probably a prank ir wrong number. Called cops they were not coming out due to snow. I ended up pulling guard all night with my own weapons. Good option to have
  8. Seems to me they are willing to risk death or death to others for a chance to throw poop at trump. This could be done virtually. Media believes their work is more important than average joe
  9. Thats hilarious. I hadn’t seen that. I was referring to the press more than congress. They don’t strike me as being brave souls but seem ok with risking infection. They can go out and work but we should be locked in basement.
  10. Anyone know the procedures in place for the press room? Seems to me the people claiming we should be on lockdown are pretty ok with crowded tight spaces.
  11. im glad to hear that. maybe trump picked a good one
  12. if he is italian we might rethink this. from nyc he could be the mob or former alter boy. either way scary
  13. what does fauci know. he doesnt know all the good words trump does
  14. i only have 3 pair. one was dirty. one clean but was air drying. the third was placed with shorts and i couldnt find them without tossing everything in the floor
  15. i gotta go get some pussy to keep old lady happy. i got on her a littlr hard over my jeans not being washed and in the right spot this morning
  16. there are drugs in this world that the fda has not approved. gnc makes a good living at it. politics and money still influence the fda.
  17. politicians lie all the time. if you like your doctor you can keep it. its not a tax its a fine.
  18. yes if obama was doing lockdowns and handing out money cons would be going crazy. libs could get a lot of deals with trump if they would quit pissing down each others back and telling everyone its raining. he isnt a hard right guy. i dont agree with trump on this but i rather people get money than corporations. i also rather we cowboy up and let healthy adults go to work and start schools back soon.
  19. i think he was trying to avoid panic as any leader would. we dont always want our troops knowing too much. jut a reality of the battlefield. he also knows that this aint the black plague but media hysteria forced him to demonstrate in public what has been going on behind the scenes for weeks.
  20. you hope. im interested to see if the dems try and postpone the election and give themselves a chance with better candidate next year. risk an extra year with trump vs 4 more with running biden. do they cancel the primaries and pick whoever now?
  21. never under estimate the power of free shit. we get through this and he hands out cash, it will be tough to beat him in swing states
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