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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. yes they dont declare and outcome until like two weeks later. At some point that numer is going to come crashing down to below 1 percent. In germany it was down to .5%. Now take that number in multiple times 10 for all the people that had it who didnt need medical attention. all of a sudden it is not doom and gloom
  2. This is the American spirit I am looking for
  3. Lol. My son wants to play in the pros so I need that to start back soon. He goes to college next year so pretty much cancelled his last travel season. I want miss hanging out with all the liberal fags. If soccer is all we have playing, I recommend the Mexican League. The fans have a pretty loud fag chant for opposing keepers and I appreciate that
  4. china really screwed italy. i didnt know they had that many wuhans that worked in italy.
  5. that sounds like the trailer park across the street from where i grew up. You would have to add a bocephus to the shirt
  6. no idea on those. the old folks can all that stuff and i get it from them.
  7. yes vacuum seal. you can do a year but sometimes loses quality or it gets freezer burnt. Key is good labeling and rotation. reliable energy is crucial as well. hopefully you dont have a lot of power outages in your area. i have gen backup. that stuff thaws and all bets are off
  8. They say and I believe it is more contagious and preys on elderly or existing conditions. Im looking at cdc flu numbers for the last 10 years and we lose 12-61k per year. That is 32-167 per day. Corona has hit 20 a day since first death and I am sure it has not peaked.I can see a few weeks shutdown to evaluate and slow spread. I am not convinced we need to spend a trillion and live in basement for a year just yet. do wish you well though and hopefully you have someone to shop for you.
  9. some of us do. i am not really happy with the whole deal. Problem with so called conservatives. Scare them with the econmy or sickness and they are willing to abandon free market and individual liberties.
  10. I do it all the time. 3-6 months is ideal but i have ate some shit up to a year and didnt die. Probably go a little less if it is store bought. I buy mine from farmers
  11. Accept my offer for charity. I won't do any permanent damage. Ill just tap you out, teach you some respect, and buy you a beer afterwards.
  12. Great points and stay safe. I have hard time believing all this just about saving lives anyway. We can save 3000 lives a day for free but nobody seems to care about the 40 million babies since roe v wade. things may change but we are losing about the same lives per day as the flu. we dont get daily updates on the flu.
  13. Their are 6 million Jews that if alive would dispute the Times historical record on Hitler and genocide.
  14. This gives me optimism. They have recovered quickly for a nation that relies on trains for mass transit and lives in very close quarters. Everyone should see at least one game in Korea.
  15. Let me know where in wrong. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/2009-h1n1-pandemic.html
  16. the important thing is judges need to have adequate social distancing while locking everyone up
  17. I’m hearing rumors the cdc privately is throwing out number as low as 2-3k despite saying 200k- 2 million in public.
  18. It’s Marlboro and I’m not Missourian. I can’t spell for shit but I can bitch slap the average Hollywood fag. I missed out on a chance to fight hasslehoff 20 years ago But I’m not retired. You have cameras let’s do it for charity
  19. The economy can bounce back if we quit being a nation of sheep come May
  20. The real tragedy is America is being robbed of watching all the great reality tv shows
  21. Could be right. If everyone got it at current at death rate .5% would kill over a million. I’m going to say 80-150k this year
  22. Time will tell on this thing. We are two months into the crisis and about 12k deaths short of swine fly year total . I believe this virus is more lethal but has a ways to go to prove it
  23. All I’m saying if Germany test 200k we should be at a million. We are exceptional people
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