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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. The doomsday scenario should have been briefed at 40-50k not millions. Right now 8-10k here likely but a lower number is possible. 18-23 not impossible and that would be less than flu.
  2. should read that study. i posted. right now corona getting the same or less than the flu and they didnt do anything really to prevent this.
  3. this is my concern for all the other people. really think we will see how overplayed this has been. not a joke but not worth ignoring other more serious illnesses. hope all is good in the future for your dad
  4. found this study which kinds shows what is going on today in italy has been the norm for a few years. the regular flu has been much more deadly there for last few years. study pre dates coronamania. https://www.ijidonline.com/article/S1201-9712(19)30328-5/ In recent years, Italy has been registering peaks in death rates, particularly among the elderly during the winter season. A mortality rate of 10.7 per 1,000 inhabitants was observed in the winter season 2014/2015 (more than 375,000 deaths in absolute terms), corresponding to an estimated 54,000 excess deaths
  5. The idea of dying for liberty is what this country was built on. Men and Women died coming over here. Many more have died defending our freedom. Older Americans were raised on the idea of leaving a better nation and life for their kids. FDR kinda jacked that up with social security. There is not one member of my family who wouldnt willingly give their lives up to keep freedom and liberty alive for their kids and grandchildren. Obviously, we want to strike a balance between recklessness and necessity but this shut down bs cant go on forever. we will face tougher enemies in the future and we must have more resolve as a nation to fight.
  6. i might be on the jobless list next week when i offer the general one of my nuts
  7. well the military and dod went almost full lock down here. a town that is 90 miles from civilization decides to limit soldiers and civilians to 60. meanwhile their local shelves are empty. the hoarders are being validated here.
  8. of course. trump only deserves credit when things suck
  9. damn. i have been in meetings and the cdc has been inconsistent with several things. we dont get fauci briefs but not low level workers by any means. well we pray for her and all the medical workers. most of americans are scare shitless but the medical field is on front lines everyday all day.
  10. How is your daughter? they ever get her the stuff she needs?
  11. no i wished everyone lived. i was very shocked to see the flu totals over the last three months. flu took 16k lives here during the same time the world lost 16k to the coronavirus. there are a lot of doomsday models and death statistics being used early that simply arent playing out as testing improves. we had a pretty good control group with the cruise ship but chose to run with data from countries with failing healthcare systems
  12. Nobody finds it odd 16k people died with the flu since mid January. 7,000 died in March and we are talking about the 582? Flu PI mortality rate was 7.1 just .2 below epidemic levels. 150 children died since October. Where was the media? Should'nt we have considered shutting schools down to save the kids. No, we shut the schools down supposedly to save grandpa. The score in March is 7,000 to 582. Fully expect Corona to rise but how many here are betting corona takes 23k Americans by mid June?
  13. some are going to be really disappointed when this thing struggles to out kill the flu.
  14. Libs, tell many how many people going to die? I thought about betting some beers but that seems cruel
  15. China did nothing and there true numbers will never be known. South Korea and Germany did a much better job with testing thus their numbers reflect a much lower fatality rate. Spain and Italy were slow to react and are only testing the ill. Their stats are not capturing the people who are infected but not sick. Italy and Spain have large populations of Chinese which include immigrant workers. They also have a lot of old people. Their situations resemble the Seattle senior citizen. Even regular flu is ruthless on old people. The political fallout is being weighed by both sides with every decision. The media on both sides have backed their candidates with coverage. I dont believe Trump would have went this far but he knew the press would trash him. He looks to be walking some of this stuff back now.
  16. I would like to answer Chuck's question but I the answer is everything is political now. The illness is real but the political capital to be gained is why this is such an issue. 2009 wasn't a major election year.
  17. i really believe this thing ends up close to that rate. This will be a bad 10 days or so but we have a ways to go to reach 13k
  18. Yes I think that is being lost in all this. Little worried this will set a precedent for the flu. I am not really against schools doing it as needed but I do have a problem with gov taking away a man's ability to work.
  19. not sure about gucci but they bought several bug name brands but keep the made in italy despite being chinese labor https://www.rebellionresearch.com/blog/northern-italy-wuhan-partners-for-better-or-worse
  20. Week 11 of US flu season and numbers have peaked so these stats will drop as season goes away. 280 days . 82 per day and 65 if no one else dies the rest of the year. Right now the corona virus sits just above 20. has not peaked but has a hell of a ways to go just to reach norms CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 38 million flu illnesses, 390,000 hospitalizations and 23,000 deaths from flu. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/index.htm
  21. in germany. italy is an outlier but also had 100k wuhans working in their factories. i imagine they will be around or under 1% when it is all done
  22. FIFA has issued fines and league has tried to stop it. the fans have been pretty determined to keep it alive. in america, you probably find more straight people at the san fran art museum than a mls game.
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