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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. yes, i saw them in store last week but saw the commercial today. glad i didnt buy them. check out the commercial
  2. yes, he more of a socialist sissy. he bagged his share of women.
  3. no worries on my part. updated my will today. I set aside money for aw premium membership to be awarded in my honor. also, AW will receive 1,000 boxes of pretzel pop tarts to feed the liberal fags through the shutdown.
  4. new york should release the total deaths not just corona. easy way to clear up doubts about actual numbers.
  5. i imagine there will be victim benefits in the current or future coronavirus legislation. i bet the states are being pretty liberal when assigning cause of death. the numbers should be out soon to confirm or refute a sudden drop in non corona deaths.
  6. Lol I looked it up and i guess this is pop tarts new campaign. Shaped the same but I would have made them like a churro for their target audience
  7. Guess it has been on since super bowl. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t7dD-0IppEA
  8. That commercial ruined pop tarts for everyone
  9. Oh I am well rounded. I follow all news. That is why I said rumor. It won’t be fact until snopes Fact checks it or a homosexual confirms it on cable news.
  10. lol, i am not mad. Just odd a socialist homosexual would choose to go nazi.
  11. Yes they adore my mexican wife and son. just say your a puss. no need for offensive pictures
  12. Cruise ships are gay. I am going out like a man when I go.
  13. I have added a charitable option and Abides needs 5 volunteers. think you guys should unite for charity. I m old past my prime and 30lbs overweight. My buddy has an MMA ring and gym. You can release all your frustrations in a safe arena.
  14. I can support a little longer shutdown but life must return sooner rather than later. I am not brave. Just happen be in a room with 12 or so liberal pussies. Even Rachel Maddow looks manly when surrounded by the Anderson Coopers of the world
  15. 240k lives is a small price to pay for liberty. i am willing to be number one if it keeps my son free
  16. Possibly. One thing for sure it wont happen by the hands of any liberal in this room.
  17. Virus or no virus. Freedom must return by summer. If not I’m moving to Mexico. If I am going to live under tyranny, it will be surrounded by tacos, beer, and hot chicks. Thought it was bad when Obama rain bowed the White House. Little Chinese flu comes around and Americans surrendered 244 years of freedom.
  18. There is a shortage of women in China. Would not shock me if it jumped to humans by homos shoving rodents up their ass
  19. He spoke without thinking which he does often. He picks these fights with reporters to drive the left crazy. Obviously, his strategy works
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