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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. i make enough despite my lack of education. have a hot wife and dont squat to piss. thats 1000 time better than most of the liberal fags in here.
  2. this bullshit town dont even have organized basbeall
  3. most of the colleges full of foreign players. kinda bullshit for the state schools to give away tax dollars
  4. dont get me wrong. im still mean enough to slap the bitch out of all these liberal fags. nice enough to throuw some money to charity and but them a latte or umbrella drink afterwards
  5. lol im honest. i man who says he won every fight probably lying. that said i challenge the principal and AD to a fight. the ad was bragging about his d1 wrestling record.
  6. mine got his ass whipped young but he a great kid. he will play soccer in college next year out in Santa Barbara. think i was too hard on him in other sports. plus this town has the worst baseball i ever seen. damn hs team had to hit off a tee to scrimmage. nobody to throw strikes or hit a moving ball.
  7. i aint no badass. just an old fat average joe. 75% of aw can probably kick my ass. wont be any of these liberal asshats. they remind of my uncle who sends his wife to check out any potential dangers around the house.
  8. yes i got more whippings and suspensions in school than smiley faces. evidently the younger crowd yearns for public adoration
  9. so true. everyone knows that is shown with a face palm or meow face
  10. the swedes are making us look like pussies. why arent they dying?
  11. i think every high risk person should quarantine. All the limp dick pansies should have that right too. you wont get infected if you dont leave your house. not really dependent on what I do. simple case of misery loving company.
  12. yep. now you have to show your dick to get on a plane. meanwhile, Carlos is showing Muhamed how to cross the border. thats only if Muhamed cant get a flight to Toronto and drive across himself
  13. the constitution was written for times like these. liberty is generally stolen during times of crisis.
  14. most of the patients that lived are probably pretty happy they took it.
  15. They lied. It was already the drug of choice in Europe. They skipped that to address Trump making that guy eat fish tank cleaner.
  16. Really think Fauci is wrong. These predictions drastically under estimate Americans. Tough days ahead but we are not getting to 100k by May. Our current count likely includes some questionable designations and still below 10k.
  17. Wait, didn't he lie about that to kill Americans
  18. really is bullshit. At one time it was like Hee- Haw in its glory days. Really allowed a southern man to share interest with a mexicana
  19. i just had the same discussion with the wife. Told her to go make me some carolina burgers
  20. lol when she was younger. wasnt bad then with all the hot chicks. now all the shows are about women cartel leaders and alternative lifestyles.
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