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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. I enjoyed trump bragging about models.
  2. I happen to like Shapiro and the Jews. Anyone who is an enemy of the Jihad bastards is a friend of mine. Those Jihad fags execute gays but only after drilling them in the ass. Women are just for breeding in the Middle East. In America, banging a chick is a major step toward manhood. Manhood in the Middle East starts when men transition from catching to pitching.
  3. https://mobile.twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1245356779850080257
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/26/health/california-teen-coronavirus-deaths/index.html 2nd story like this today. The infant death in Connecticut possibly a lie. Corona may have suddenly ended all other causes of death.
  5. right by the stadium. we could duke it out before angels game. i ll buy beer and tickets afterwards
  6. now kc is a great place to live. i lived there 10 years ago and plan on moving back someday.
  7. they were not on my list but ill keep that in mind.
  8. well im about 180 miles from there. look me up when you get here. ill size you up and either fight or buy you a beer.
  9. brandon sounds pretty tough. thinking i can still go 12-1 against the field
  10. dont push your luck. im only a few drinks and a bad day from accepting
  11. no doubt. dad didnt get bagged but he has to prep if he is going to be away from a bathroom. that is 25 years later so never changes. best of luck to you
  12. well maybe we can be friends. you might be more than im ready for
  13. now thats different. my pops had colon cancer at 40 so wish you all the best. i went to the chemo treatments and that is the saddest room i had seen. only thing worse than that was washing soldiers flesh out of exploded trucks.
  14. damn despite our differences i still had you on the man list
  15. reminds me of hs. i bunted on a left handed third baseman with one arm. we were up 10 runs
  16. thats why i challenged you to a fight. i know what i am good at.
  17. it was on his way to the asian spa. not a huge sacrifice.
  18. they probably better suited for a spelling contest. abides can be the judge
  19. probably, but none of the liberal dozen here will be the father. they may create a preparation h shortage
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