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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. I am very disappointed Taylor hasn’t given you a smiley face
  2. Libs - puberty blockers, transgender hormone treatments, and ass fucking all safe malaria drugs all bad
  3. Viagra has a whole lot of listed side effects. Pretty sure this room is full of clients
  4. I would take it. The military handed this stuff out like candy for malaria. Not going to kill you if used as prescribed. This is not a new drug. We have years of data on side effects.
  5. So you want to talk about the state and local failures of New York and other big cities. Places controlled by dems the last 50 years. All this green energy bullshit could have purchased a lot of healthcare.
  6. There are over 700 Christian hospitals in the US. Christians build hospitals while leftist ban drinking straws and shit on police cars.
  7. I should get the 500 for my 18 year old senior before unborn and illegals.if 500 keeps the baby alive I’m good with it. We made 20 million Americans give up their jobs for 30k grandpas. Why stop now ? We have hospitals laying off workers as states ban non essential care.
  8. I think it is wise not to hold services right now. Also not a bad time to consider the value of human life.
  9. Planned parenthood and quite a few hospitals are non profit.
  10. Yes I forgot abortion is a right. Also an essential medical procedure mire critical than routine heart and cancer checks. The true golden calf of the left
  11. Now would be a good time to close church services on the condition we close abortion clinics through the shutdown
  12. I know. Even worse that options 3-5 consisted of a communist , fake Indian , and a pole smoker.
  13. Probably has more to do with all the white lesbians playing soccer.
  14. Hope he ordered them sons of bitches to play this fall. The WNBA needs to stay closed. Theses hospitals can use some help in the kitchen.
  15. That’s awesome. I raise a lot of hell about the shutdowns but I couldn’t work in hospital. Probably should t bitch about getting paid to stay home when people are working in these condition. Glad she got rewarded.
  16. It is strange the how the liberal action groups go missing in these times. Franklin Graham has people in New York and Italy. Was at the front of the Ebola fight as well.
  17. Right now most are being declared without testing. Just very odd New York can’t release any death numbers except covid right now. If we could see overall numbers , we could squash rumors. 3 states were bold enough to lie about a kid dying. Imagine all the shady stuff going on with classifying grandma with multiple issues. I don’t think trump will address it right now. Should be addressed once we turn the corner
  18. Bravery wasn’t really the point of my first post. Needles and hospitals are two things I try to avoid. How is your daughter? Has she said anything about how the deaths are classified ? I imagine she probably just focused on treating people and staying healthy.
  19. Samaritans Purse has a few older people working in New York. Their bravery was pretty impressive. Pretty sure I wouldn’t do that at their age. Overall we have done pretty well. We should locked down high risks vs whole country. We need the states to stop fabricating kids deaths. 3 have already been retracted. I suspect massive fraud is occurring in New York. Time will tell.
  20. I heard a rumor yesterday the projection was down to 93k That’s if Americans cover their mouths and San Franciscans cover their asses. Final numbers going to be fairly close to those made by the crazy uncle in Kc. Now I need the states to quit counting accidental kid’s deaths and Grandmas that fall down the stairs.
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