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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. We have lost 10 million jobs with more to come. South Korea didn't go to our extremes either. We can't for sure say we will get to 60k deaths either. Americans are waking up to the reality but AW is lagging a bit. This thing was basically Pujols.
  2. I am not against vaccines. I fully support them. You are right on the flu mutations. Thus the reason we take our best guess with vaccines but keep on living. We can't hide in the basement forever. We should take this thing serious but we can't deny that we didn't over react. Very likely that we have done more harm than good to the nation. At some point, we have to acknowledge the truth and do better next time.
  3. Maybe because the 240k number factored in social distancing and was a best case scenario. 60k is a bad flu and ( we may beat that number) it is part of doing business. The CDC changed death classification procedures on 25 March and we are still struggling to get numbers. The Spanish Flu didn't need help getting numbers. Truths have a way of standing by themselves. Do you really think two extra days of social distancing saved California from being New York? I am sure you understand forecasting in the food industry. I doubt you miss your projections by 75% and call it a success.
  4. Blarg just pissed he jumped on the losing side. All the libs trying to piss down each others backs to convince the world it is raining. I don't see what the big deal is in saying the experts were wrong.
  5. No existing vaccination is pretty common with pandemics. Our reaction has proven to be very uncommon.
  6. I am sure distancing helped. Do we think distancing is more effective than vaccinations? Vaccines are only about 30% effective. What was missing from the argument was context. This was not the first new or most lethal virus to hit the United States. A little more individual thinking and a lot less herd mentality could have provided a more effective solution than shitting on the Constitution. Unfortunately, America is much like this board. Like thinkers with constant need for public affirmation. Still love your food. Yall need to add a Carolina Burger to the menu. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ex-nyt-reporter-challenging-the-coronavirus-narrative
  7. well it may be more accurate than the expert models that I am sure you believed.
  8. The fact base science allows no descent on the virus. Same crowd was totally convinced Trump was pissing on Russian prostitutes.
  9. Chuck, Just give me the sign. I can start slurring some libs
  10. The libs sticking to the expert opinions which are showing to be false.
  11. In fairness, grave shortages are nothing new to New York City. They have evicted the dead recently to create space. As a state, New York buries 15k people a month. We could get a better sense of the crisis if overall death total were being released. They have 7-8k corona deaths in 25 days. on Average 11-12k people die in a 25 day span. The state could clear any and all doubts by releasing total death statistics over the last 25 days. Why keep it a secret? New York was not prepared on any level for a crisis. Hospitals are taking 9 days to release the bodies. even when totals were low. State restrictions did not allow morgues to work 24 hours initially. Backlog started and now it is full snowball. And yes the Chinese flu of 1957 killed 70k-115k and the Kung Fu flu of 1968 killed 100k Americans. If you go way back to 2017-18 the flu killed 60k-80k Americans. This virus is much closer to 2017 flu than 1912.
  12. I was not suggesting we should have done this. Sorry if I implied that. The idea was floated in those days and got 0 traction. It would taken years but the AIDS virus curve sure could have been flattened with draconian measures. Despite the many lives that AIDS has claimed, freedom is more important. Our right to life and Hippa regulations were correctly upheld in those days. We have had pandemics in the 1950s and 1960s that will likely be worse than corona. Our reaction then was much different than today. The greatest generation understood the value of a working economy and freedom. We still have a lot of great Americans but many don't understand the true value of the Constitution. Today we want a national registry and ankle bracelets have been issued for some corona virus victims. We are releasing criminals while arresting surfers and dads playing tball with their kids. This is what happens when tyranny takes hold. The idea of government enforced mandatory testing before you can return to work is ridiculous. The virus has been exposed and we are on the way to victory. Defeating the virus will show to be much easier than defeating all the freedom restricting regulations we accepted. 18 months or until we get a vaccination are ideas being floated by many politicians and doctors. I don't expect this to last that long but I do expect Trump to get hammered for every corona death from now until November. Going to get worse if he restarts the country. The blue states are going to push back. If it wasn't before, the objective going forward will be destroy the economy and mail in ballots. Cuba actually did it with HIV and the WHO has praised their success in another article. https://www.tampabay.com/opinion/2019/11/29/are-public-health-quarantines-in-our-future-column/ https://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/94/12/16-021216/en/
  13. Well, I was trying to save you some money. Then maybe you could afford an AW membership.
  14. Gates and the media are two reasons of why I never bought into Coronamania. Fauci has a lot of friends in the WHO as well. Notice the media immediately tried to tie money to Trump pushing malaria drugs. In reality, more money is in the vaccine business. A business that Fauci Gates, and the WHO are vested in. Fauci has signed off on influenza vaccines that are less than 30% effective. In a recent year, they gave the flu vaccine credit for saving 5k American lives in a year. That was a very small return for the massive amount of money spent on vaccinations. Russia and Ukraine are just a few examples of the left accusing Trump of corruption crimes that they actually committed. Here it comes again with Corona treatments. They play the same game with racial politics. They have successfully painted reps as racists despite them being the party of slavery, trail of tears, imprisoning Japanese Americans, and opposing desegregation. Sad but it is impressive they have been able to sell this bullshit
  15. Truthfully, I did not get a cell phone until 2007. Back when you got charged for minutes from other carriers. My unit at FT Riley, Kansas had mostly sprint users so I went with sprint. It is not too bad in the midwest. With their military discount, I get 4 unlimited lines for 100. I still have a Iphone 4s but the rest of the family basically lives on the phone.
  16. I hope not. It is amazing how much big gov the right is willing to accept when reps control the government
  17. I hate to say it but the Swedes value their freedom more than Americans. We probably could have eliminated the AIDS epidemic had we quarantined them until death. This was unacceptable in the 1980s. 40 years later Americans all in on giving up their freedom. Probably has a lot to do with the tree hugging hippies are now in the high risk group. Also the millennials love big gov regulations. The last 3 weeks is the lifestyle they been dreaming of for years. They won’t get upset unless Netflix and yoga are banned.
  18. He ain’t getting my vote until the tyranny ends. Magas would be in the streets had Obama spent 2 trillion and shut the country down. All justified since Trump did it. I sent his team an email today.
  19. The magic number is now 61k. That’s with counting any and every death possible.
  20. All wrong. That money was paid so Trump could piss on some Russian hookers. Get your facts straight
  21. I’m getting tired of Fauci and his doomsday predictions. He talking about silent carriers. Silent carriers is a good thing for overall lethality. Elderly still need to be cautious but a large number of carriers means it ain’t as lethal as projected. I bet he struggled getting laid with that cautious approach. If the parts are there and clean I generally hit it.
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