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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. they are to poor to care. starvation is a bit worse than coronavirus. Also has to do with reporting. some nations count pure corona deaths. Others like us, assume it was corona and no questions asked. Baby accidentally suffocates in Conn. was tagged corona.
  2. I have been right so far. It is not hard. Just watch the news and go the opposite direction. Sadly, one day the will be honest and I will be screwed.
  3. No worries. I was giving rally shit and I think that did it. I understand Chuck defending his long time paying members.
  4. I am willing to bet they survive and their numbers are not any worse than most of Europe.
  5. lol i was thinking about joining but saw where i got a point. didnt want to join and get the boot the next day
  6. how many people have warning points in here? how many do you get before getting the boot
  7. Cali voted pretty well until amnesty kicked in. Reps have not been close in a Presidential election since. Amnesty was Reagan's biggest mistake.
  8. Keep telling yourself 2 million or 200k are going to die. you will get a lot of likes in here. However, the overall numbers are not going to support your narrative. A similar number of deaths in LA would not have created a massive burial problem like NYC. They have had an grave eviction policy for years.
  9. Do a little research on New York's history of burial space. Also, look at the delays with hospital processing and family responses. They has similar issues on 9/11 with a lot fewer deaths.
  10. Hit the nail on the head. Ventilators may end up being the true killer
  11. i might have misjudged you, i would have guessed 8 or 10 for you
  12. lol hell the chick should have canceled out the head shaving.
  13. yes i was 0 of 57 things listed. Stil gave me 8%. Must figure we are a little queer for taking it
  14. damn right florida is a swing state If Cali would remember how to vote, prosperity can return.
  15. that was back when we could use big boy words.
  16. 2017-2018 4k deaths per week at peak. If I count peak weeks as you just did. 12k-15k deaths during bad months. We know corona has been here since Jan/February and we are at the peak. We are social distancing now but we had a damn vaccine in 2018. Again, 2018 had 60-80k deaths in a year with vaccine. Corona is projecting 61k over 8-9 months. Flu deaths are not mandatory reports but Corona gets to count everything. Corona is a bad flu at best. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began counting the 2017–2018 "flu season" as October 2017, and by early February 2018, the epidemic was still widespread and increasing overall. By February 2018, the CDC said that the circulating virus strains included both B strains (Yamagata and Victoria), H1N1 and H3N2.[6] On 10 February 2018, Fortune reported that influenza in the United States was killing up to 4,000 Americans a week, likely to far outstrip the rate of deaths in the 2009–2010 season. An expert from the CDC, Anne Schuchat, said that the main type of the flu that year had not "changed enough from previous seasons to be considered a novel strain."[citation needed] In the first week of February, deaths from influenza and pneumonia were responsible for one of every ten deaths in the US, with 4,064 from pneumonia or influenza recorded in the third week of 2018, according to CDC data. The CDC also reported 63 child deaths at that point, half of which were not considered medically high risk, and only about 20 percent who were vaccinated.[7][8] Only two of those deaths were babies under six months old.[9] The 2017–2018 flu season was severe for all US populations and resulted in an estimated 959,000 hospitalizations and 61,099 deaths. This is the highest number of patient claims since the 2009 flu season. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, during the 2017-2018 season the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) was at or above the epidemic threshold for 16 consecutive weeks. Nationally, mortality attributed to P&I exceeded 10.0% for four consecutive weeks, peaking at 10.8% during the week ending January 20, 2018.[10] Another estimate (September 2018) attributed more than 80,000 US deaths to this strain of influenza.[11][12] While 186 pediatric deaths were reported to the CDC,[3] it is estimated that there were in reality more than 600 total pediatric deaths nationwide related to influenza. This estimation of three times the reported pediatric deaths was arrived at based on the observation that about two-thirds of children who died with a suspected viral background were not tested for influenza.[
  17. A lot of truths. We have to take the good with the bad. Thus is life in a free nation. Ben Franklin was a fairly smart man. He wasn't a super fan of trading freedom for security. Economic success leads to military might. Military might ensures freedom. We can survive 6-8 weeks. We keep pushing this bs 12-18 months and we lose our economy and our liberty.
  18. Healthcare and emergency supplies fall on the state and local government. Most don't fully fund these because they are broke from pissing money away. The Feds are a secondary resource as needed. The media chose to bash Trump but the reality is many states failed. Biggest failure New York
  19. https://www.theblaze.com/news/german-study-shows-coronavirus-mortality-rate-five-times-lower-than-widely-reported-numbers
  20. Should have had the shit to begin with. Feds are option 2. Maybe a few more medical supplies and a few less green energy save the planet solar panels would have been wise.
  21. no but you are not going to get apples to apples. look at their pop density and transportation systems. Both factors that should have made it worse there than here. They tested well but we know there are plenty of carriers unaccounted for. You can't ban one side from using South Korea while the doomsday crowd keeps referencing Italy and other struggling nations. America was never going to be Italy and people should have understood that. We over reacted but that is ok. Our intentions were noble. it is time for course correction and again dominate the world.
  22. They also live in a country with 14 times the population density and take the train damn near everywhere. They should be getting smashed. Testing is good but will never catch all the sick. There has to be some wide spread immunity that is developing to slow this thing. If it isn't immunity this thing must be really weak. We know it spreads fast but the just not killing as advertised. Scientists and lock down fans are ignoring reality. S Korea did well with testing but they didn't get everyone. The virus lives on and amazingly so are they.
  23. S Korea was really good with testing. The whole lock down thing started in China. Can't believe people believe China controlled it this way. Way more likely they buried the sick until the virus was under control. Italy is starting to see severe backlash over their lock down .Seems Taiwan isn't playing the freedom grab game either. I am sure they will have deaths. AW is acting like there isn't a dollar value assigned to lives. Government and insurance companies have operated on a dollar to lives concept for years. I am happy we didn't lose that many people but it is time for an exit strategy. Local mayors have become kings and this power grab isn't going away over night. Trump really is in a tough spot but he has to get the country back to work. 8 more weeks is unacceptable. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/04/08/asia-pacific/hong-kong-taiwan-south-korea-buck-global-lockdown-trend/#.Xo_AuP1Kjcc
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