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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. I will start with me. I am willing to go right now if it preserves freedom and future economic prosperity for my son. I wish we didn't have to lose anyone but that isn't reality . Poverty kills and we are dooming millions of young Americans to a life of poverty. The young are not dying in large numbers. I don't want my son or grandchildren sacrificing one ounce of freedom or opportunity for me. We can protect the populations as needed but there are areas and populations of people that need to be set free. I understand your argument and I know you mean well.
  2. I have never implied trump is a great person. i was referencing comments made by the obamas. i didnt make it up
  3. I see a single mom and a Kenyan
  4. Quite possible. Always been my argument with climate change. Pretty damn easy to get a desired result when you can select all the variables.
  5. So you are a climate denier? We may have something in common
  6. I am sure it is. The corona bill pays 15% extra to hospitals for every corona patient diagnosed, admitted, or death. Not sure if it compounds or is just a flat 15. Also New York was allowed to classify 4K at home deaths as corona with no questions asked. States are being allowed to count anything and everything and still struggling to meet predictions. The Spanish flu didn’t need financial incentives or bullshit classifications to make history.
  7. https://academic.oup.com/jnci/article/101/15/1044/916789 Fauci's wife seemed to support people dying for economical reasons. Of course, this was published in support of Obamacare.
  8. Yes I thought he would have at least come out straight.
  9. Yes that is what brought this to my attention. I had no idea they hated blacks. Makes the NBA look pretty bad kissing up to them.
  10. Corona is actually their second attempt to kill black people. They also started the tide pod challenge.
  11. In order to protect Americans, we must place law abiding citizens on house arrest. If allowed out, mask are required. Church and kids sports must be canceled. In an effort to be extra safe, we will release criminals and serve alcohol to go. Wal Mart , abortion clinics and weed stores are authorized places of worship. We must abort black babies before they become corona victims. Also, Cancer, heart disease, and previously defeated viruses will all be provided a one to six month head start on killing the remaining 330 million Americans. Social distance!
  12. always thought miller was a post dui beer. The Beast was my binge drinking beer.
  13. Blarg probably chugging Heinekens with a pantless Doogie Houser
  14. I will if I get a response. Seems each one just enrolls me in another fundraising campaign
  15. They didn’t scare me off. Took a break. Also been busy emailing all these so called conservatives backing this tyranny. They can kiss my ass with shutdowns, test ,and immunity cards. Reps control the government yet our freedom looks like the offspring of Marx
  16. I’m saving my final demerit for Blarg.
  17. Lol I’m still here. Just took a break for Easter to reflect on things. I was able to discover how corona is killing black people. In an act of genocide, many states have not stopped lottery ticket sales. This practice has resulted in 1000s of minority deaths and hours of my life lost standing in line.
  18. Time to fire Fauci. He keeps playing politics and sending mixed messages. As s subject matter expert, he has been wrong more than right.
  19. I think my slurs were more racist than sexual in those days
  20. All these warning points has me feeling like I’m back in 5th grade.
  21. Not sure about healthcare but I hope the boobies survive
  22. I can at least agree tthst blarg makies shitty tv shows. I pretty drunk so I can dig the big booby Swedish girls at the mall. Virus or no virus. We still got a ways to go to prove the virus is bs. Trump has allowed the doctors to overplay it so nobody really wins if the truth comes out.
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