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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. lol. they bent obama over in the nuclear deal. why would they risk changing course? there is as much or more smoke around clinton and russia. more is starting to come to light. clinton has already accused other democrats as being russian lap dogs. she also started the birther claim against obama.
  2. yes. obama wire tapped the guy all during the campaign. the dems spent two years investigating russia. If they had anything on Trump, wouldn't we all know? Do you honestly believe putin had rather deal with trump than clinton? I am surprised they didnt find some other sort of dirt.
  3. you should use that line next time you run across a navy seal.
  4. Everything you described was done by the democrat party and the fbi
  5. 10-1 odds He would skull fuck your bernie tear filled eyes.
  6. Because libs lost out on Russia and impeachment. Shit officially became serious in AW when Blarg switched political affiliation and surrendered.
  7. For two months the left swears two million people will die. Next it was 100,000-240,000 if we do everything right. Currently, we are projecting 60,000 deaths with some very liberal corona classifications. . The vast majority of these deaths have occurred in blue states and very blue cities. Obviously, population density and demographics play a huge role. If we are going to blame Trump, we need to look at state and local governments. Preparation and lockdown orders are both state roles. The states are broke and have long ignored medical readiness and pissed away money on green energy bullshit. We have done very well outside a giant blue circle in the north east. 20% of the deaths are from nursing homes. Imagine if local authorities had focused on protecting them first. Instead, they chose to arrest kids playing tball and shutdown outdoor church services.
  8. That is a good thing. You obviously have done great for them. They seem tolerant so learn from them.
  9. I fully support equal rights. The CDC quit tracking deaths by orientation because all the old studies said 8-20. That has improved with HIV research but the left admit 12 years now. LGBT try to blame everyone else but the numbers don't lie. Regardless of the cause they are dying younger If we are going to slam the right for spreading a flu bug we need to call out all unhealthy practices. https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2014/02/19/research-anti-gay-stigma-shortens-lives https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/yet-another-study-confirms-gay-life-expectancy-20-years-shorter
  10. I don't advise mass protest right now but I understand the people's frustration. I don't understand the hysteria from the crowds I mentioned. The numbers I used are not wrong. I can respect your sympathy towards leftist groups. Just very odd to see a prominent figure in a Christian company be such a strong supporter of the left.
  11. There are a lot of things you are not. Some you are but those terms are frowned upon in here.
  12. And I thought in and out was a Christian establishment. Must be Lutheran
  13. If the grim reaper is looking for work , I suggest a pussy hat or rainbow rally. One rally exist solely for murder. half the rainbow rally will live 8-20 years less than normal people. In contrast. 99.5% of the virus protesters are going to live
  14. LOL, Clinton, and Bush sucked the Chinese dick. Obama sat on the big Xi Ping.
  15. In the minds of leftist, any red blooded American brave enough to walk outside is a domestic terrorist and should be prosecuted. Islamic terrorist are potential political candidates in their eyes.
  16. I was about to slur you. Caught the name change just in time.
  17. I agree. The private sector and the American people have saved us from total destruction. Most Americans and businesses will do the right thing. The left has swallowed a whole bottle of viagra and they can't bend us over fast enough. Not often they get a chance to end competitive sports, private industry and religion. We have allowed a virus to do full fill 130 years of progressive (right and left) dreams.
  18. You used common sense which is not a gift everyone has. Both sides are too worried about the election and not seeking a workable solution. The middle class and poor are getting crushed by the virus and economy.
  19. cork sucker has been proven effective
  20. You are making some pretty good points. Death is awful but I am willing to bet more AW members are suffering more from the shutdown than will suffer from the virus. Small sample group but I bet this scenario plays out for most of America. I may be petty but I am pretty pissed about missing my son's last 25 games and graduation. Fortunately, he has college games and hopefully graduation ahead but a lot of kids don't. Think of all the kids unemployed kids who needed money for school this fall. Others have professional aspirations and are struggling to perfect skills that others are perfecting without government limitations. Hard working American are in danger of losing everything. We have to eventually respect their right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
  21. We have to get this country back to work. Not all at once but we have to start. I know libs want a vaccine but we can't wait 18 months. For now, strap on your best mask and grab your "We are the World" cassette and get to work.
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