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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Liberty univ. Fallwell Jr is a little too MAGA for me. I like Westmont a lot. Few too many libs. All the negative reviews 1- 2 star i read were from gays so that moved the school up my list.
  2. are they cons or libs? i see it as conservative for cali but well to the left of me.
  3. I have raised a mexican limbaugh with some athletic ability. maybe he can turn that state around
  4. I should know that since I live in San Bernardino county for 3 years
  5. Yes looks like it. I don’t think they closed all their beaches. Hoping they can have school next fall and play. School seems more optimistic than the gov from what i am hearing
  6. My son is going to school in sb next fall. Judging by Instagram they seem to be living somewhat normal there. Do you know anything about sb
  7. He didnt articulate his thoughts very well. However, there are quite a few common medical procedures and treatments that use uv rays. I would not advise drinking chlorox or lysol. I will tell you both have chemicals that are used for internal or external procedures and antiseptics. I don't see any of the ingredients developing into a cure but trump is not the first person to explore the idea.
  8. LOL We could make some strong Christians out of science club. None of them lack faith in their theories.
  9. I hate to beat a dead horse but a few of our educated posters attack anyone who questions any scientific opinion. Once their science arguments fail, they call me gay and we move on.
  10. No shit. Like I stole someone's work and made a shitty reboot.
  11. Not really a difficult choice. God made it pretty easy
  12. Believe he probably spilled gas on himself. He lit the pile and himself
  13. Probably right. My great grandfather set a bad example. He lived to be 93 despite smoking 3 packs a day. He caught fire and burned to death while burning leaves.
  14. lol. sorry for the misquote. i am going to educate Strad on cheeseburgers if he keeps it up.
  15. im not even man enough to smoke reds anymore. a little depressed about it
  16. LOL I sin every day and I am no better than anyone. Every scientist here ends their argument calling me gay. There just isnt proof sexual orientation is genetic and a male is very easily defined It doesnt take a rocket scientist. It would help scientist corona claims if they were not batshit crazy on things like this and climate change.
  17. If orientation is genetic, wouldn’t pedos behavior be genetic?
  18. Yes. I wasn’t born wanting to be homosexual or fuck goats. Maybe some people were but not me
  19. Yes knowing where to piss is a very complex issue.only 99.5% of all humans figure it out by the age of 2.
  20. Maybe for corona but long term no. I would never suggest long term smoking. I will out live some lifestyle choices you support
  21. Worked for me and your scientists are studying it. I can also help them solve the scientific problem of which restroom a man should use.
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