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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. The media does like to focus on the most redneck members in the crowd. I am willing to bet there was a huge democratic majority on those beaches. Hispanics and limp-wristed whites don't make for good liberal tv. I agree on the tattoos. I can only think of a few worse life decisions. For middle class and poor people, voting democrat is the best way to secure a life of economic peril. I was considering temporarily moving back to California, but the taxes suck ass. I am against all progressive taxes and Cali punishes the middle class .
  2. Now I did this every weekend in Korea. Koreans will share a sample size cup between 3 people. Their lack of English resulted in me eating over a gallon of ice cream on multiple occasions. The looks I got. I am not sure if they were amazed I could eat it all or pissed I was showing off my wealth.
  3. Don’t try to pin your life struggles on me. I do wish you luck in your journey to happiness.
  4. I know. I have received death wishes and get called gay every week. Nobody defended my feelings
  5. Univision lying to the Mexicans. They briefed states that never closed as being closed. On their map only about 4 states are partially open. With all this misinformation, the Tyson plants will struggle to stay open
  6. That’s a rip off. You can get playboy for that price
  7. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2020/04/22/forcing-nursing-homes-to-take-coronavirus-patients-is-just-insane-and-evil/amp/
  8. They admitted to counting anyone with covid on or in their bodies as covid related. Hopefully they are not counting people who fell off the edge. I’m waiting to see total April deaths. 240k is an average month so we should see close to 300k this month. If the number is 260-270 I would suspect major fraud occurred
  9. I am catching all the breaks. Doc put me on heartburn medication two weeks ago. Add a little lysol and nicotine and I believe we have a cure.
  10. Keep your spirits up. Failure is not an option. An entire generation of women and male democrats are desperately awaiting the release.
  11. I don’t think either are fighters. The Obama is an athlete narrative was a huge media smoke screen. There are a few videos of him shooting basketball and throwing a baseball. Neither are impressive. Rumor is those “basketball games” were hot tub sessions. As a basketball player , it is easy to see Obama never was a player.
  12. Don’t forget about the second wave hysteria.
  13. they would fail kids in those days. you end up with 16 year olds in the 7th grade. middle school was pretty rough until the bad kids quit at 17. most were in prison by 18.
  14. Pretty easy to make. The chilly needs to be right. Slaw is just there to help you shit it out later.
  15. Yes, I’m pretty sure a few were bullied in school and have never recovered. Probably never got laid in school. They rather cry to authorities to intervene than stand their ground. Had a kid bully me in 3rd grade. He was a 14 year old 5th grader. I stuffed daddy’s sledge hammer in my duffle bag and beat the piss out of him at the bus stop. That bought me 3 good years of respect and everyone learned a life lesson.
  16. They do suck. Burgers are decent but I can teach him something about burgers too. This is a man’s burger.
  17. No. Scientists have studied it for years but most of the compounds have been extremely lethal in rats and dogs. Only the dr oz crowd continues to explore. I didn’t know the Germans did it until yesterday
  18. I was digging thru old posts and discipline has not always been equitable. Can’t complain when it is free. As a paying member i would want justice for all
  19. It took 40, 000 post but Strad said something intelligent. I hope it wasn't sarcasm.
  20. Really sucks for 1st year students not familiar with college work.
  21. i believe hitler did inject the Jews with cleaning compounds
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