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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Just like that the state for open borders and assholes has become an isolationist. Safety First!
  2. 40,000 people on a beach has no effect on my ability to lock myself in the basement. There are survival kits ready and available for purchase online. The beach people only effect the confort level at which other individuals can self quarantine. May have to eat packaged food vs fresh but they want spread the virus to your house. We have had 35 cases in our county and every one had contact at wall mart. If one is really that concerned avoiding stores is the biggest threat. Stop yelling at protesters and stay home. If you are working in public , quitting is an option.
  3. They should be arrested. California released at least 7 sex offenders yesterday so the jail has space.
  4. I agree just didn’t use the sarcasm button
  5. I don’t understand the fear or panic. Scientists and government officials have correctly predicted the severity and impacts from the start. They have also given a very concise timeline for life returning to normal. I see no logically reason to support the people’s fear buying.
  6. We should not be considered with food and supply chains. The beach people are the real threat to our survival.
  7. that is a good thing. kids are really being over looked right now. sure he happy is hell.
  8. All you dumb protest fuckers need to pay the British tax and drink their delicious tea. If you are black, make sure you drink out back and social distance from the white women. Laws are laws
  9. I am more Caucasian than either one of those two
  10. We had 8 years of Reagan and a decade of great basketball. Gays really were non existent where I grew up. We played smear the queer at a young age so boys learned how to act early.
  11. It is time for a peasant revolt. I would recommend a fight but recent yard work has proven my physical capabilities ain’t what it once was. Not winning any spelling competitions either. Maybe we can challenge them to beer drinking or swearing contest.
  12. Probably just work stress. Can you imagine trying to develop a show that has never been done before ?
  13. Tough to be a voice of reason when the powers at be are against the people.
  14. The mods have a habit of deleting some of my best work. It is frustrating
  15. I didn’t know dick size was a legitimate concern but It appears you took a closer look then most.
  16. I am sure there are a lot of closet surfers and roller skaters down playing the beach right now. I’m not a beach fan unless it is Miami Beach.
  17. The audacity of these people is shocking. They act as if life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness are unalienable rights. I can’t see why anyone would want more out of life than house arrest and a side job at Walmart. These assholes are complaining about their struggles when we have Americans being forced to pay college loans and criminals being forced to leave prison.
  18. I say Clinton is behind this. Republicans would have waited closer to the election to break this. This is breaking because dems want to get it out of the way or someone wants to move Biden out the way.
  19. I just hope the board appreciates all the wisdom being shared.
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