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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. wish i would have thought of that. would have been much cheaper than marriage
  2. People forget the CDC credits the flu vaccination with saving about 5k lives a year. Not a huge return. People also forget we rushed the swine flu vaccination and killed quite a few people. Rushing a vaccine can be more deadly than the virus.
  3. In other words, nothing is fact until the half pint with glasses says it is. he will call it fact just as soon as bill gates and china work out the financial details.
  4. Some truth in this but I have met a few that are just crying for real male attention. a lot of their kale eating vegan husbands dont have the testosterone levels to knock the bottom out of it.
  5. I did marry a mexican to hedge a little. There is some evidence that this disease is racist. Several high profile dems have stated this so it must be fact.
  6. no shit. that is what kills me with the libs. they must control others.
  7. I heard there is some kind of reality dating show. Thar seems pretty boring.
  8. I believe it is because there is a higher percentage of white people in OC and very few blacks
  9. I am from NC but not old enough for that. It was crushing when Andy came out for Obamacare.
  10. I noticed the media changed their view on Sweden. The word foolish has been replaced by unique when describing their response.
  11. I had a physics professor in college that was a member of the flat earth society. He look like Don knots and one of the reasons I quit. Got tired of paying good money to people not half as smart as me.
  12. Couldn’t agree more. Very close cousins to the climate change crowd
  13. Don’t ruin the narrative trump killed everyone.
  14. and the states? Really only 2-3 very blue cities and states that shit the bed. I am ok with giving Trump some blame. He listened Fauci who has been dog shit for 30 years. States still had the ability to shut down their states. Preparedness is also a state responsibility first. The big blues have pissed away billions on green energy bullshit and did not purchase needed medical equipment. Trump was in charge and can't avoide some blame but not one single dem was pushing this as a serious threat either. If anything, Mr Fauci fucked America and should resign. Probably hard to believe but I am a subject matter expert in the DOD. I advise commanders. If I give them bad advice, they will be held accountable for my mistake to an extent. However, they probably won't be fired but my ass sure will.The Generals are smart enough to know the commander was guilty of trusting his expert.
  15. You are correct on flu deaths. They are not all confirmed and are not required to be reported. CDC uses models thus the wide range of estimated deaths. The graph is attempting to count all corona deaths as confirmed. They are not confirmed. On 14 April, the CDC informed everyone to count suspected deaths as well. New York added 3k unconfirmed in one day. It is also very common for old people to die with flu strains in their system. The flu is usually not the cause of death and is not counted as a flu death. A corona death can be counted if the virus is found on a shoe or another corona death was in a 100 radius. The graph is comparing suspected corona deaths (which all are required reports) to lab confirmed flu deaths which do not require reporting. Corona also gets a 20 % tip over other forms of death. Sadly, there is nothing to gain politically for either side to expose this. Libs want a shutdown until after the election. If Trump exposes the bullshit counts, he also exposes his biggest mistake which was shutting down the economy.
  16. In fairness, a lot of people donated to bill Clinton
  17. I agree and one more secret. Blarg is a closet lib
  18. I can understand that. I’m not a wine drinker but 3 bottles in to it I’m a mich more thoughtful person.
  19. I’m too drunk to read Cals post but I’ll support it it until I sober up. Except the symphony part. I can only see about every third word but I’m out on the symphony unless it involves hot chicks.
  20. I’m drunk but that tiger ducker looks a lot like Tim Richmond
  21. I was going to post this earlier. The best news I have heard in months
  22. I heard Obama went golfing just days before Mooshell told blacks to stay home.
  23. Tdawg made a good point that everyone is going out. If everyone is going out , we are a lot better off in a sunny outdoor environment. Take those people off the beach and they are now all in Costco or Home Depot. The virus spreads much easier in an indoor environment. Quite sure every beach critic on here has made an unnecessary purchase over the last month. These purchases are probably more of a problem than people going to the beach. Also , your Internet consumption and non essential online buys are forcing workers to leave their homes and be put at risk. I challenge all of you to cut all the cords and stare at 4 empty walls. Grow your own food and do your part to stop the spread.
  24. So they should lock themselves inside so asshats can work and go to the grocery store?
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