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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Looks like a scene I was involved in.About 25 years ago I took a station wagon taxi back to the SY border crossing. Next think I know we are at an open gate above the normal re entry area. Everyone jumps out and runs like hell. I just walked normal down the hill but pretty sure I took part in an illegal operation.
  2. I have seen it done in mexico for years
  3. Just glad this does not effect major college sports.
  4. Sure hope the younger generation learns an important lesson about government control. How quickly a two week pause has become an indefinite suspension of the constitution. Flattening the curve became a 0 case tolerance policy. California government going to crush more lives than 10 corona virus outbreaks. Worst part is all the libs going to relocate to red states and fuck them up
  5. Lol. I just bought the wife some expensive lip gloss. Hopefully it can overcome these 12 Coronas
  6. Some of these leftist really need to get out of the basement. I’m about to Fire up the truck, grab some beers, and bang the old lady a few times. I don’t expect leftist to follow my risking behavior. Maybe they can charge up the Prius and Go have a contactless kale smoothie somewhere.
  7. some people wouldn’t believe shit stinks without the Fauci stamp of approval.
  8. The science crowd at it again. We must believe the virus came naturally from bats that live 600 miles from wuhan. No possible way the virus leaked from a wuhan lab studying corona viruses in bats. Keep in mind the research had been banned in the USA due to viral leaks. Fauci funds the research in China. Chinese government attempts to delete all information of the research from the internet and prohibits lab inspections.
  9. Good point. The nfl players would piss me off sitting for the anthem and standing for God save the queen. Whi the hell taught their history class
  10. I bet this call was more to remind them he is not afraid to Killary Clinton anyone who drops his name in the Flynn case.
  11. You can use me as an example. I dated a doctor’s daughter for a long time. She became a doctor herself. I ended up marrying Mexican immigrant. This will resulted in me keeping up the in-laws when I could have inherited millions
  12. I was speaking of dice not population. So yes combined those counties are almost a third of our population. As for a national plan, we had and continue to update national pandemic response plans and agreements. Federal and state roles are clearly defined. Most of the preparedness falls on individual states and has for years. Most states did not fund these and a few states paid the price in human lives. It appears you lack some understanding of government response roles and responsibilities. This would make a great discussion topic for your next metrosexual Starbucks meeting. You might have to postpone Walt Whitman literature night but well worth the enlightenment. Social Distance!
  13. Half the country has no deaths. 80% has less than 5. A national plan is not the best way forward. Some states are too big to have everyone in the same plan. The three countries you named are smaller than the state of Texas combined. If you want to blame government officials it starts in New York. 90% of the country handled it well. Those places received less federal support than the big blue failures and yet still found a way to win. Trump didn’t force covid cases into rest homes but big blue governments did. I don’t place a huge amount of blame on any political leader. If we are going to play that game, Trumps role is not to secure the nursing homes on the corner of 1st and main st NYC. There is a reason we have local government just like company level cdrs on the battlefield.
  14. The dems up north really deserve more blame. https://www.heritage.org/public-health/commentary/over-half-us-counties-have-had-no-covid-19-deaths
  15. In all my years over there, i never ate one piece of food. a lot of people did. mexican food is about the only authentic foreign food i eat. water and soda is the only thing i bought from middle east.
  16. Made me laugh. My son was 8 before he realized people didn’t consider him white. Told his mom she was the only Mexican in the mall one day. He is more tan than she is.
  17. We are losing ground. A few years ago it was 364 days long.
  18. Yes I can’t wait until white man’s appreciation month
  19. they lost my respect eating muslim cookies. they better hope the baker is right handed.
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/m/ba53e5ca-6348-3014-82f9-36effe8f29e0/a-llama-named-winter-could-be.html I have more faith in a jackass named trump
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