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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. problem is the doctors and scientist at the higher levels are politicians.
  2. have you ever heard of someone suing a school board over forcing their kids into esl. my son went to private school but changed over for sports. they have a policy that anyone who speaks or has a family member that speaks another language take a literacy test. i was going to sue them but nobody really wanted the case. if i was suing the other way a lot of lawyers wanted it. in the end he went from supposedly only knowing a few english words to testing out of the program in a week. i did have to get racial with the black school administration to do it.
  3. Women do have the right to inject needles in babies heads then vacuum them up like a spilled bowl of punch.
  4. Liberals don't want to enter in broad life discussions . Their bullshit won't stand because it is based on the idea that there are no universal truths. truth is what they need it to be for a specific moment or issue. We have to listen to science except when science says you should piss in mens bathroom. Believe all women unless the women accuse liberal politicians. All lives matter unless we need to execute some poor or minority babies. Arrest beach goers but release child molesters. open borders pose no health or safety concerns but church and citizens should be locked down. straight A student from a middle class family gets no help for college. Get pregnant in hs and college may be free. liberals love hispanics so much they require every hispanic to prove their literacy. most then segregate many from normal classes. separation of church and state is a must but muslim worship can be played over city intercoms. school is too dangerous next fall but senior housing centers can be filled with covid carriers. we must tax smoking and soft drinks for health concerns but ignore the risk of being gay or transgender. health insurance should not have to pay fertilization issues for straight couples but must pay for gay couples. the bullshit just never ends
  5. Most of the lib posters in here could give a shit less who dies. Some are making their money from home which is better for them. The rest are making more in unemployment sitting on their ass. Libs have never cared about human life but they are passionate about getting paid to sit on their ass
  6. I am bias but I believe he was ducking sicks. Reps had some pretty weak candidates as well. Can’t stand him but Obama could sell refrigerators to Eskimos
  7. It was pretty common for politicians in those days. Biden was a B list guy in those days so he probably got the fat friend more than once. another area you have to give the edge to trump. he has decent taste in women.
  8. Yes she did. I don't blame Biden for not claiming her. She is living proof Sam's Club is not for everyone
  9. Obama has never been accused by a woman which seems odd to me. Even George Sr was accused.
  10. I think most of these women just have buyers remorse or they get passed over because some other girl didn’t forget to tickle the balls.
  11. Her family did own slaves so she has a good understanding of the democratic platform
  12. If true , all Mexican women are potential super spreaders
  13. It is pretty amazing everyone overlooked that for years.
  14. No I don't want to defend him. Just making sure Ted Kennedy gets credit for anything associated with Martha's Vineyard.
  15. I have watched a lot of Dukes of Hazzard and Sanford and Son lately.
  16. I do kinda dig the current trend with the bikinis. I was stalking my sons Instagram followers and noticed all the Westmont girls had their asses on display. I can’t imagine what the state schools are wearing.
  17. so faces must be covered but asses are free to hang out?
  18. only show on tv i watch. not as good as it once was.
  19. Terrible news. Grandpa had the same thing and a really tough way to go. Prayers for your family. I’m guilty of viewing these as numbers and too often forget there is a family behind each life.
  20. Everyone keeps saying tests are not available. In Bumfuck Missouri we are testing anyone in town this weekend. We have not had a case in three weeks so the mayor looking for bad news.
  21. They really do need to be more transparent with the numbers. Thousands of deaths have nothing to to with corona. Several thousand more were terminally ill hospice residents. Read something the other day said the average corona death had a life expectancy of about 1 year
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