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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Sounds like he just described liberalism.
  2. Cmon guys. Bet that welfare check. I am unable to accept ebt at this time
  3. You girls need to step out the basement and disengage from the AW liberal circle jerk for bit. You will discover not all Americans subscribe to your progressive nonsense.
  4. Let’s make some bets. How much you willing to wager ?
  5. Believe trump made a good strategic move with warp speed vaccine push. I’m not an anti Vaxer but skeptical of a rushed vaccine. The media and dems have been swinging on Fauci ‘s nuts and want a vaccine to re open. All of a sudden trump pushes it and warnings about rushing a vaccine appear on msm sites.
  6. Pretty sure we are not undercounted. I do wonder how they figured out toll could be 10 times higher. A little over 1 million Americans have died this year. Corona would have to be responsible for 80-90 % of all deaths.
  7. They do kinda look like the health secretary of Pennsylvania
  8. These girls just ain’t accustomed to someone telling the truth in big boy words. Direct unfiltered truth is not served at Starbucks
  9. yes i only know a couple of people. . i think most of us want positive things. i am not saying ban abortions but i do think we have workable solutions so we are not doing 1 million a year.
  10. I didnt know this many people are adopted and an estimated 1 to 2 million people are waiting every year. Sounds like we have willing families. https://adoptionnetwork.com/adoption-statistics
  11. I can agree the OIG is full of queers. really fucked up the military. they pretty much ended us being able to fight and slap woman on the ass.
  12. no i may some day. it can be a real difficult challenge no doubt. there is no easy solution but i dont believe mass execution is the only answer. we dont execute the homeless and most are there due to personal short comings
  13. no i am serious and you have a valid point. i want to save everyone we can even the gays. just dont believe are country is immune to the big government cancers that lead to mass destruction of life and liberty. you know the value of legal precedents and i feel we are on a real slippery slope.
  14. that guy looks like a few of my wife's cousins. one of them stole her wedding ring.
  15. that is probably true. a debate can be made that these kids would commit a lot of crime, murders, and drain the economy. we are making the same argument to re open. we are saying 100k grandmas isnt worth the collateral damaged caused by losing 20 million jobs and slowing preventive medical procedures for non covid patients. if both sides are both honest with each other a compromise can be reached on both issues. we are essentially debating the value of a life and the right to make individual choices on how to live it. how many in here are willing to meet me half way?
  16. Yes and most results wont be great. just believe everyone deserves a chance. we both know this is not a women's health issue but is an economical decision. i can admit that economics is the reason for re opening. just need the left to admit economics is why we have abortion. has nothing to do with women's health.
  17. my real issue with abortion is we have the ability to take babies much earlier now and allow them to live. the vagina hats act as if there is only one solution when we can allow both to live with modern technology.
  18. you are right on that, he was at the heart of aids studies though. i am thinking why not just say gay sex is a sure fire way of getting aids. think of all the lives he could have saved. we have done well with treatment but spent a lot of money and a lot of people died. many could have been saved if he would have promoted a lockdown on ass fucking.
  19. we do protect the unborn of wild animals. https://savethestorks.com/2018/01/birds-legal-rights-unborn-children-america/
  20. how do you fell about the destruction of bald eagle eggs?
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