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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. They have and will do more as this type of voting continues. Eventually the malt liquor runs dry and armed men show up to help fill out your ballot.
  2. Mask only benefit ugly chicks and thieves. This is All liberal psychological bs to make you feel safe. Mask have replaced reusable bags and paper straws to give liberals a purpose in life. The average con enters a store buys what he needs and goes the fuck home. Libs need a save the world mission every time they run out of almond milk. It is essential to confront at least 3 unholy people before checkout. If libs believed in God, they would make fine southern baptist.
  3. Cali does have one of the better systems in place. Many states are not ready at this point. I don’t really understand the logic in mass voting by the poor but I am also again 14% income tax. I’m willing to stand in line for lower taxes.
  4. Generally in the ghetto. Exchange your vote for a few dollars or malt liquor of your choice
  5. I’ll wear a mask when we close abortion clinics.
  6. Lol. Cocaine Mitch is barely above a Clinton in my book.
  7. If there was a link for common sense , the Democrat party would cease to exist
  8. I just avoid any place that requires mask. Most of Missouri isn’t wearing mask. Maybe 5 out of 200 in wal mart wear one. Of course I live close to the bar pool party that went viral. I am no scientist but the particles either get through the mask or they don’t. If it isn’t protecting me I seriously doubt it protects others.
  9. I fully support any business owner's decision to make me wear a mask in his store. I don't shop at those stores. I also, support a business owners right to allow smoking but many cities do not. A few in here are supporting those ladies threatening the lady without the mask. imagine when the angry store mob gets to knock on your door and collect your ballot to save the country from Trump.
  10. I am saying California allows groups to collect votes and turn them in in bulk.
  11. I thought they changed the law in 2916 or 18 and clearly allow mass harvesting.
  12. Exactly I am not going to commit fraud and most with anything to lose won’t either. $20 -100 in certain neighborhoods will buy a votes and this is the population the dems are looking to exploit.
  13. This is not the only issue but 28 million votes went missing in last 4 elections. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/04/24/28_million_mail-in_ballots_went_missing_in_last_four_elections_143033.html
  14. I know. Cals waited a long time and knows quite a bit about the military and Ft Leonard Wood I guess.
  15. I agree and hope everyone does the right thing. I am not a fan of mail in voting but it can be done with checks and balances. 22 years in the military nobody ever handed me a ballot. We had mandatory briefs on the process and how to request out ballots from our states. I personally think the military should have an easier process. Dems never once tried to hand out mass unrequested ballots to the troops. They generally lose the military vote so they hope we dont vote. Now, many blue states are sending ballots out based off old voting rolls without a request. Thousands of blank votes in the ghetto is an easy way to promote fraud and weaken the democracy. Bribery and intimidation are not new to the voting process. A private booth goes a long ways in protecting freedom and privacy. The dems want amass collection and drop off options for these votes. That opens the door for corruption as time passes.
  16. Pretty sure the dem govs are not requiring a request by mail. they are sending out mass ballots based on vting lists that are not usually up to date.
  17. What happens when I receive the ballots of a dead parent and my son in college? Do I fill it out for them?
  18. The party of open borders can’t see the dangers of unlimited mail in voting. I am not surprised.
  19. At some point you libs have to grow a pair. Wisconsin had an election and no outbreak. Mail in voting isn’t much different than unions doing away with secret ballot. Not only does a bunch of blank ballots invite fraud, it also increases the chance is voter intimidation. The union thugs made a living out of this shit in northern states
  20. Corona death rate is lower than my blood alcohol content. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-the-cdc-confirms-remarkably-low-coronavirus-death-rate-where-is-the-media
  21. he probably has one but it aint me. i just the only redneck on here
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