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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. In the cops defense, she could be a silent spreader.
  2. he was just correcting social distancing errors
  3. The Germans have every right to lecture Americans on race relations
  4. I can't wait until the hub cap stealing competition kicks off.
  5. The Minneapolis chief is black. I believe he ordered the code red.
  6. Where the fuck is Fauci. We need the science to determine the safety of opening up for protest.
  7. I remember when Clinton investigation started 5 July 2016 and suddenly Dallas riots started on the 8th. You ain’t black was uttered and riots kick off three days later.
  8. I see no issues with the honor system being used for ghetto voting.
  9. Fresh off their corona achievements, blue mayors and governors continue to display their leadership. All those church and park citations should easily pay for any riot damage.
  10. I don’t know. The tea party brought 6 figures the Washington multiple times. They didn’t burn down the city so maybe they don’t count
  11. Didn’t riots kick off about the time of a big Clinton scandal in 2016. I know we had trevon Martin in 2012
  12. Love how the Mayor said white supremacy groups.
  13. I’ve always been amazed the Clintons were perceived as pro black. You didn’t become Democrat gov of Arkansas in the 1980s without Klan support
  14. Dems going all out to cover Biden’s racist comments and recoup black votes. Free shopping sprees and no corona restrictions being offered in every major city. I heard the celebration concludes Sunday with the return of soul food buffets and white women.
  15. I think the border should open at the same time and capacity all Cali churches and businesses are opened.
  16. Mass voter fraud operations are like abortion clinics. They target the poor and generally are located in the projects. Acorn is not hanging out upper class neighborhoods
  17. China is a formidable enemy especially their Navy. They still have a history of losing. We win but it won't be easy. The greatest generation has been replaced by big mouth women running the house while their hen pecked husbands play angry birds. 50 years since we faced a major national crisis and Americans just handed over their freedoms. I have doubts the cancel life and vote from home crowd is ready to take enemy fire.
  18. Someone who is too ignorant to mail or hand deliver their vote should not be electing the leader of the free world. The average American has very few civic duties. The voting process is not rocket science. A half ass bulk process opens up massive opportunities of fraud. Every fraudulent vote devalues a vote of another citizen.
  19. All in how you do it. I prefer a ballot be requested by an individual and returned in person. Postal return is not as good but will work. What the dems are pushing is everyone gets a ballot and allows political parties or paid third parties to go house to house collecting votes.
  20. Strad and Blarg if I had to bet
  21. These guys are harmless. Those beach goers are the real danger. Hilarious that Biden makes a dumbass racial comment and all of a sudden cops are killing black men everywhere. Almost like the left looking to create a diversion
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