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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. So we agree democrats and the uber rich are the true racist. Also, welfare and public education have not served us well.
  2. I do speak spanish and rednecl so I am not always clear. I just found it odd the libs are mocking Brian for not wearing a mask yet have been pretty quiet about the leftist mobs. Who is the biggest threat the Brians of California or the Antifa fags?
  3. I will send you a case of beer for that.
  4. Democrat Mayors hire police chiefs who hire police officers who kill black men. Why can't everyone see this is Trump"s fault?
  5. Did he say if this will effect the Muslim prayers
  6. I want to see the military dogs tear some ass up
  7. Damn right it was. Next time the cops kill a white man in West Virginia, Bass Pro Shop is going to pay
  8. the libs convinced this is the work of the KKK. Now we know how Biden won the nomination
  9. Will be interesting to see if the lockdowns are over. Are we really going to arrest church going family and businesses after this shit show?
  10. a lot more except they will die at the hands of black men. the cops wont respond in those neighborhoods
  11. Yes I would love for these Antifa thugs to bring that shit to my home town. we wouldnt need the police
  12. Next time a I am offended my a latino can I burn your house down? Insurance will pay right
  13. that coward should have fought all 12 with his bare hands
  14. Funny how people who hate cops support handing them all the guns
  15. I bet Gavin only authorized 25% of the 500
  16. Ezekiel Elliot is leading the charge in union square.
  17. Im willing to bet a few of these protesters were reporting corona violations to cops just a few days ago
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