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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. At this point there are no good protest. These people are using up resources needed to protect the country. Their message has been heard. It is time to go the fuck home and engage in civil discourse
  2. Cops are not favorite people but all this hate has convinced me to donate to a few blue causes
  3. Marx advised his followers to always acuse the opposition of the tactics Marxist used. The libs and the dem party studied well
  4. I have never claimed to be an intellectual. I know where to piss and can whip most any English major’s ass. Make twice the national average so life is pretty good for this Uneducated God fearing man.
  5. There will be no shortage of science books in hell
  6. I have heard quite a few leftist refer to climate change and corona polices as scientific facts. Evolution and carbon dating are two more examples of scientific bs
  7. Best of luck to you and hopefully you get back to KC. Chiefs should be good for a few years
  8. I get your point but I don’t see the Democrats taking ownership for slavery anytime soon. None of my family owned slaves and I damn sure ain’t kneeling in defeat for some shit I didn’t do. If America is a failed racist state , why in the hell are people jumping the border to get here? America isn’t perfect but we are the most generous nation in the world. Even the greedy white people who adopt hundreds of thousands of black babies every year deserve some credit.
  9. Sounds like our house. I have heard a few teachers say this is the best way to learn. They say it teaches the kid there is two distinctive languages. Mixing the two I guess creates confusion. One of my pet peeves is the ESL bullshit. Probably, needed for some kids but schools currently force Hispanic kids to prove their literacy. ESL students justify jobs which make it difficult for kids to escape the program. The kids get pulled from regular classes to attend ESL and miss classroom instruction. Most these kids would be better off not missing classroom time. This is damn near segregation in my opinion.
  10. I think it is safe to go to the beach and church. after all it is safe enough to riot.
  11. I didnt factor in homicides or anticipate dems initiating corona parties at the nursing homes.
  12. I doubt it does but never under estimate a good lawyer.
  13. you may want to recheck your scientist original claims. i was closer on totals and death rate. i have not forgotten you mocked my math and claimed it was 8 times deadlier than the flu.
  14. I dont want to see this sorry cop get off free. his family deserves better. it would be poetic justice if the over hyped corona got him a lesser charge.
  15. I have questions about Trump's faith no doubt. I do know libs hate America and our Christian Judeo values. The fact Trump is hated by the left is ample evidence he at least supports a significant amount of Christian values. I view Trump's role as more of an Alexander the Great sent here to crush the radical left.
  16. yes the science lovers have been real quiet about the virus and totally ignore the facts on police shootings.
  17. Yes , I met him and I could add another adjective to describe him. However, I already have one demerit so I will just say he hangs out with the bulb types at comic con
  18. Now is not the time for this thread. Dems will have eternity to discuss his and their lack of faith.
  19. I believe all cops should wear cameras and all these criminals get the same scrutiny as the cops. Everyone deserves to see the 9 unarmed men cops killed and cops deserve to display all the criminals they could have shot but found non lethal means to apprehend. Video will show the looter’s behavior witnessed this week is not all that different from the norm.
  20. Did she say anything about the blacks her family owned
  21. Look at he violent crimes. Keep in mind the white column includes hispanics. Close to 80% percent of the population and the black is only 13%. I still believe we judge everyone individually but you can understand why some cops may treat them differently. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/tables/table-43
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