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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. I can’t stress good parenting enough. Most of us learn not to play in the streets at an early age.
  2. No, The riots are a rumor I started yesterday. The libs are still waiting on proof.
  3. Well, There are some partially true statements in there but race is not the primary cause. Being white gives you a better chance of having a two parent home. A traditional home where the father is the CEO is crucial. If done properly the kids will learn basic values, respect for authority, and conflict resolution. Fatherless homes is an American problem but is much worse among blacks. Many families also suffer because dad delegates his God given authority to lead or a rebellious women constantly undermines his authority. Women were not created to make men out of young boys. Our prisons are full of young black males who have no respect for authority and no concept of morals. Most are angry at their fathers and that anger fuels bad behavior. The average black male has to be taught how to interact with police because he is very likely to engage in criminal activities. Almost every single one of these men killed by police have committed 5-6 serious crimes each. You can go back 200 years in my family and not have a serious crime. Our interactions with police are speeding tickets and a few underage drinking violations. I have seen my son followed in stores in Missouri so that does happen. He does not dress like a thug and still gets followed at times. My advice to him is always look respectable and respond with kindness. He is not gong to change hearts dressed like a cholo and cursing everyone who looks at him sideways. It happens more to minorities but it also happens to trashy white kids. The white community generally tries to distance themselves from white trash and we dont make excuses for our deadbeats. You would be surprised how much the trailer park has in common with the hood. The trailer park blames all their failures on Mexicans and blacks.The difference is white people understand the trailer park probably knocked up his cousin at 13 and didnt finish HS. Blacks have been making excuses for 50 years and are further behind than ever. Black people need to kill the gangster worship and dress better. They dont have to dress white but pull the fucking pants up. Nobody wants to see a man's stinking ass in a place of business. Stop glorifying violence and prison culture. Also, stop with the diversity bs. Our businesses today are filled with people of all races and gender. Life in America is not that hard. You can avoid poverty by finishing HS, don't get married or have a baby before 21, and work full time. This method has a 98% success rate. The foundation and example that guides this 3 step process is the traditional family. We have spent 50 years throwing money and apologies at the black community and it has failed. The black community is addicted excuses and doesn't accept responsibility for their failures. These failures can be fixed but the first step is black ownership of the problem. The white privilege bs is basically handing heroin to an addict.
  4. I think our current systems are fairly safe. The mass mailing of blank ballots is my issue. The tracking is good but can also be bad. People's right not to vote should also be protected. Imagine a world where politicians know who has yet to vote a month prior to the election. I can see residents getting a knock on their door reminding them to vote correctly. Now take the police out of the equation We could potentially have major cities with no law enforcement and millions of empty ballots that need to be cast. It won't be long until antifa and the proud boys become third party collectors. I don't have a problem with an absentee system that requires a request and a postmark date for return. An individual drop box is pretty safe as well.
  5. that is common leftist tactics to select their opponent. the dem candidate is already pre selected by super delegates
  6. the risk of a felony hasnt stopped the thugs this week.
  7. he probably gets away with it if he didnt kill someone. rumor is he voted for the dems
  8. I thought voter fraud was impossible
  9. Not to my knowledge but I use the old percolator
  10. I am enjoying the libs being anti union. Unions gained a lot of power by eliminating centralized secret ballot voting.
  11. The invention of k cups really reduced the need of women in law enforcement. Combine that with more stringent sexual harassment polices and there is no justification for women cops.
  12. In this case his quote was intentionally cut short by the headline. That’s the thing with libs. Trump supplies plenty of material. No need to fabricate and misrepresent when he does not deliver Just give him a couple days and use something that is 100% accurate.
  13. “For equality “ The video yv posted should clear it up for you
  14. Not my fault school can’t spell its own name
  15. Did you see the John Hopkins scientist who was pushing corona lockdowns. He now believes the racist virus is a bigger threat than corona. Science has been a huge benefit to man. My problem is with scientific theories that are treated as fact to shape serve political agendas. I am a creationists and the foundation of my belief is faith. There is supporting evidence but at the end of the day I can’t prove it. We once treated evolution this way but now it is become fact in schools. Scientists push man made climate change based off computer models. The same models are used to predict the weather and are pretty useless outside of 3 days.
  16. Yes but they may bus people in. I don’t expect things to get too crazy. Military town and everyone is armed. Harrison Arkansas is about two hours from here. Probably the most racist place I have been and they have a rally on Saturday. That place is klan headquarters and displays racist billboards
  17. I believe we are over policed. Don’t see it as a racial issue. I fault excessive laws and budget deficits as fueling the problem. Law enforcement has forgotten some of the service aspects to the job. Every once in a while they could do some traffic control vs setting speed traps.
  18. Welcome back. I do believe some are ready to beat these fools down. I know a will be in town Saturday to assist business owners if needed.
  19. So you believe we should burn down America and idolize a man who was amongst the worst people of any race?
  20. I got a feeling blacks are going to be begging the cops real soon. when the cities defund the police, the Hispanic gangs will finish them off.
  21. No. However, we need to stop destroying the country every time a career criminal is a victim of police violence. We can serve justice to the police without making floyd an american hero
  22. This is going to piss some people off. No doubt the cop was wrong and deserves to be punished accordingly. the reality is that floyd was a 20 year criminal with a history of violence and drug addiction. black people are safer without him. lets not forget he robbed a pregnant black woman at gun point. it is time for some perspective and understand he wasnt MLK
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