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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Good way to end up dead. Reggie is the only one to live and he got paid ton of money to keep quiet
  2. Don’t forget the bathhouse excursions
  3. Shit happens in the fog of war. Pretty sure he doesn’t get punched if the streets were not a war zone.
  4. Not shocking. The progressive movement always leads to increased klan activities. Black people killing and looting doesn’t help the situation either.
  5. Good point. The sin of envy led to the first recorded murder and is the basis for all this hate. People blame Trump but the Dems have pushed class warfare for years. The solution is people need to address the sin in their lives. Robbing the rich isn’t going to fix the left’s envious immoral hearts.
  6. I bet Ben and Jerry are working on a new BLM flavor
  7. well the dems love them some unions. remember when obama was going to paint america purple?
  8. What county in the world ran by black men is civilized?
  9. The problem in this country is we have too many deadbeat losers.
  10. Well my grandpa did at times. He also picked up coal that fell on railroad tracks and recycled bottles. It was embarrassing but taught his family a lot about humility and self reliance. He wouldn’t be caught dead in an unemployment line
  11. People of all races have achieved since our founding. They didn’t do it crying about fairness. I was born in the same town as Eric Church. My daddy was a factory worker and his dad was the VP of Lazy Boy. With those odds it was very likely I would be as rich as him. I could spend my whole life crying about or work to do my best. It is very likely my best is better than my parents and hopefully my son does better. Blaming others will not lift people out of poverty
  12. Point is quit crying because you are behind. Work two jobs until you get ahead. This has been done before and works
  13. I drive an F150 and despise the Germans. I am a big supporter of Israel.
  14. I guess so. I pay taxes and follow the law. Served 22 years in the military and married a Mexican. My son does wear a maga hat but we are not going to be card carrying members of the klan anytime soon. I didn’t dedicate my life to serving shitty fries and voting for descendants of the klan.
  15. They don’t want equality. They want South Africa. The libs have surrendered the cities but these thugs going to discover rural America ain’t going to bow and kiss the ring.
  16. You should go for a walk in Compton. I am sure there are thousands of black men ready to engage in social debates.
  17. The Lord gave me the superpower of free will. I am not going on a rant but your fight is with the man above not me. I’m not the judge.
  18. Well we are paying them to sit on their ass through July.
  19. Sound like excuses to me. Not an accident a lot of this shit started with LBJ’s Great Society. Progressive Dems and Reps have continued entitlements and created generations of immoral dead beats. My grandpa’s dad died when he was 10. He quit school to work and support his mother until he was 18. He was drafted and fought in WW2. When he returned, He worked over 40 years at Broyhill Furniture. Never missed a day of work which earned him a $200 clock. He never ate at a restaurant nicer than the Sizzlin. He did raise a family and most his kids did better than him. He never looted or burned a city over his lack of wealth. He worked his ass off so his kids could take the next step towards prosperity. These leftist today lack the moral courage and work ethic to rise from poverty. They are selfish people who want their free shit now even if it means destroying the country and their children’s future.
  20. Inequality my ass. This is the bottom 1% of society making excuses for their failures as human beings.
  21. Kapernuts will have a team within two weeks. I am about done with all these ignorant athletes. Dumb fuckers took a knee for the anthem and stood for God save the queen. The left and many minorities have forgiven every country in the world for far worse crimes against humanity. It really takes a small mind and/or small sack to be a liberal.
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