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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. I’m going to let you in on a secret. Santa isn’t real and The New York Times is a liberal rag
  2. That spike would have kicked off 7-10 days later. I think the spike is due to increased testing and mostly asymptotic cases. However if you are looking for a major spreader event, these riots fit the profile. Don’t discount the 15 funerals of me Floyd.
  3. My wife is not a citizen by design so I can influence Mexican politics. You kind of proved my point. You should have the right to vote in private and not be forced to watch Maddow and Lemon prior to voting. Her allowing you to pick the sanitation chief is hardly freedom of choice.
  4. So 9% of the population committed 50% of the violent crimes and 34% of homicides. Same population made up 30.7% of the people shot by police. The numbers indicate police may have missed one or two but we shouldn’t defund them over it. A little more marksmanship training and should get them in the 34-50% range
  5. Yes that was just as the Dixie horn went off
  6. Yes currently binge watching. The show save my life. Someone ran us off the road a few years ago. Managed to safely execute a small off-road jump and safely return to the road. All the years I spent watching and practicing as a kid paid off.
  7. When I was a kid the trailer park down the street had one of those.
  8. Not racist if the white landscapers and trash collectors have a key
  9. Atlanta, Memphis, StL, Charlotte,DC, and parts of KC. Don’t know much about the minority problems in Cali
  10. The Dukes of Hazzard warned us of police corruption long before Cops was a show
  11. That is probably best case scenario with the prison culture in certain communities
  12. Some like the idea of having a safe secure location to cast a secret ballot. A wife might disagree with her husband and potentially have her voiced silenced. That role may be reversed in your house but you should appreciate the ability to vote freely without fear or influence
  13. We have a whole lot of faculty lounge liberals in here. I am willing to bet their only exposure to black culture is Yo MTV Raps and the Fresh Prince. The few black Americans most libs know are the affirmative actions hires that join them for lattes before mandatory sensitivity training. Some of the best people I know are black but they don’t think and act like BLM. Anyone who has ever lived and competed around certain black communities knows there is a very large criminal population. Three criminals are not going to reform themselves just because the libs hand them lunch money and rename the city after a black man. We need enforcement in those communities. Either we pay cops to beat them down or be prepared to administer justice ourselves. Call me crazy but I don’t think an Art degree from Cal equipped libs for this. Defund the Police if you wish. I don’t want any complaints when you return home from roller blading cashless with a sore ass.
  14. Florida has a pretty large black population thus the need to recruit killers
  15. Who do black criminals have to blame?
  16. Almost as if these are coordinated by anti American globalist. However we know this is not true. Everyone is just filled with sorry for a life long criminal gone before his time.
  17. that old man is definitely a proud boys member.
  18. Being friendly is not always the language they speak. I think it works with some but it didn’t work playing basketball in the streets. A white kid had to prove his toughness just for being white. I lived in a shitty neighborhood in Georgia 20 years ago. The young thugs like to block the clusterbox about 3 days a week. I tried the nice approach a few times. I finally just pulled out my Easton and fixed the problem. Violence is the preferred language for a big part of their community
  19. Still true in some places but the bad behavior is not helping change the perception. My son's HS was 25% black and was a pretty shitty school. Economically theses black kids were average to above for black families. The majority of suspension are black kids. The school system has a lot of black administrators who failed to address this bad behavior in lower grades. The school was pretty strict on everyone but the blacks. By HS , the population became pretty much what you see looting on tv. My son's best friend is black and a great kid. He also has two parents and was taught right from wrong.
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