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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Full disclosure. I Was moving to a white neighborhood and was cleaning out. I didn’t want to move it so left it on carport with about 12 watermelons left over from family day.
  2. Mine lasted forever. Finally left it onboard the porch so the neighbors would steal it. $50 bucks was too high of asking price I guess
  3. It actually did which saved us from hauling it off
  4. No shit. Give me 50 of my best rednecks and we can control Seattle. I have been critical of blacks but there is an ample white population that was raised on time out. All i saw tonight was bunch of skate boarding pillow biters who cant keep their pants up. In battle wear a fucking belt. I am ready to declare war on these fucks.
  5. I am convinced some of the libs apply a taste test to confirm they stepped in shit.
  6. Democrats have never been conservative. The Dems were considered the party of the poor. Flawed in my opinion but there was never a platform switch. Yes two dozen or so national Democrats changed parties but most stayed in place. At the local level the Dems still ran strong in poor southern racist communities well into the 2000s. Biden struck many back room senate deals with racist democrats. Who has consistently blocked private education opportunities for blacks ? If racism ended today and was no longer a political issue, which party benefits the most?
  7. Have we removed the Democrat name and mascot ? I’m with you on this. Everyone needs to address their inner racist souls and purge all symbols of historically racist views. We could replace the jacksss with a gender neutral person of color. Maybe trade the red white and blue for rainbow colors. We could place a buffalo soldier riding a unicorn. I did the design now help me out with the name
  8. What major acts have the Dems done to make things right ? Keep in mind they started a civil war , forced the trail of tears, nominated klansmen, opposed women’s movement, opposed civil rights act initially. These are just the big items. Biden has a pretty long list of anti-black legislation dating back to the 70s.
  9. Pretty sure the lack of soul food at conferences and Christmas parties was also a major concern
  10. White are your thoughts on the dems connection to slavery? Seems the Democrat Party has a very long history of racism. Shouldn’t Dems at least change their name? How can the party of Jackson and Davis shed all responsibility of our current state of affairs.
  11. I believe this old man took a dive or is incredible weak. My grandpas were still viable in a scrap until their late 70s. One had heart 2 heart surgeries and one had Parkinson’s but neither was that weak at 75
  12. I had some doubts about your 14 black coworkers all knowing and receiving parental talks from their father. Not impossible but it isn’t representative of national statistics
  13. Anyone else remember when Tipper Gore was promoting black artists in the late 80s and early 90s
  14. I’m a little disappointed in you. As the AW corona expert, you haven’t been very outspoken in your concern for blacks catching the deadliest virus to hit the planet.
  15. Mr Byrd also wore the hood. He left in 2010.
  16. I agree. A .26 death rate doesn’t justify closing anything.
  17. You might want to research just how many of the racist southern democrats hung around long after Strom left. I am sure Al Gore hated his pops.
  18. We are making progress. I see Robert E Lee statues are coming down. The military will probably rename multiple military bases. We are making great strides. When do we get to ban the democrat party for their participation in the civil war and slavery? Every white man in America needs to bow and kiss some black ass but the Dems seem to owe no debt for their transgressions.
  19. Sounds like a lot of excuses to me. There is some merit in talking down to people of color. The left has told blacks this for years. The Dems have them convinced their only hope is the Democrat party. How many dems support vouchers for private schools? You want to make life better for black people? Teach them the importance of two parent homes and allow them access to private education at a young age Give them an education that prepares them for college and the work force. With this they can close the economic gap that produces crime. Stop the race baiting and social crumbs in exchange for votes
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