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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Private education leads to better jobs and outcomes. We have the ability to offer this benefit to poor families. We don’t because The left needs public schools to create the useful idiots to win elections.
  2. The south flipped 30 years after the civil rights movement. Also unions are not nearly as strong down south. The unions have kept the upper Midwest blue. Taxes and lack of unions are major reasons industry had moved south over the last 30 years.
  3. I agree they don’t openly do it often. That was Malcom X fears as well. An inbred white man sporting a klan costume is not nearly as dangerous as the politicians. Education is a cornerstone to escaping violence and poverty. Why do the dems oppose school vouchers? Pretty good way to make sure blacks have opportunities that currently belong to elevated income brackets.
  4. That change didn’t occur until late 1990s into 2000s. Yes the klan has been run out of the Democrat party but the elitist racist white liberals still remain in power in the Democrat party. Biden said they finally found a well spoken black man in Obama. If you listen every once in a while the dems true feelings are displayed. The dems resisted desegregation in the 60s much like they resist school vouchers today. Not much has really changed. Malcomx told the truth about libs years ago but mist blacks didn’t listen.
  5. Mr Byrd and the Gore family are fairly recent. Pelosi’s old man like confederate statues. There was a lot more racist who stayed than exited with the Dixiecrats.
  6. That institution is called a public sector union. These unions protect shitty cops and teachers these unions have been heavy backers of dems for years. Another example how the dems racist behavior continues despite removing their pointed white hoods
  7. Mask are overrated. They have become the reusable bag of the left.
  8. I used queer to be politically correct. I apologize if it offended you. What do you prefer to be called ?
  9. They make monkey noises at the black soccer players The Italian league released this fail of an anti racism logo.
  10. Thats what started the feud with my white neighbor. He was shooting fireworks and the sissy next door yelled at him. He thought it was me and his redneck daughter yelled white power. Not sure why people think they should shoot fireworks in a fucking neighborhood. I see a lot of house fires with fewer 4th of July shows this year.
  11. I am not sure these fools know what they want. Seems like they go back and forth between anarchy and communism which is odd. They establish a police free zone and immediately start to enforce crazy authoritarian rules.We lost focus as a nation with the war on terror but these fools pose a much greater threat to our future. Really are seeing good vs evil in this global fight. There is no good elected officials on the left and maybe a handful of conservatives that are decent people.It is scary to see how easy so many are deceived by forces of evil pretending to be for unity. I kind of feel guilty for allowing this destruction. Things have not effected my life but the country is being destroyed. At some point, we have to negotiate a split or kick these clowns ass. We are now in stage 4 of the progressive liberal cancer that destroyed this country.
  12. When I was a kid that was the closest baseball. The only white staffed place to eat was a doughnut / sandwich shop. Only place dad would eat for the whole weekend series. back then Atlanta was about 65% black.
  13. I don't blame anyone. Tough to pick a side without all the financials. I hope we have a season but I can understand it may not worth it to either side.
  14. If they wanted to start a good fire, should have lit the gas station across the street.
  15. libs get offended when facts interfere with their twitter narratives
  16. That’s not a twitter feed. Just the echo of you talking with your head up your ass
  17. Do a quick search. No less than a dozen and many more names withheld. Critical thinking skills are scarce on the left but I have faith in you. Tell me again all these rioters are racist right wingers establishing no police zones to pay reparations to blacks.
  18. Yes but not currently reported on LGBT twitter feeds
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