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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. That’s the American spirit. Should qualify you for a grab them in the pssy t shirt
  2. He like Floyd and Brown just turned his life around and planned on attending Harvard this fall
  3. It ain’t true unless Rico tweets it
  4. Most of us are waiting on Trump to give us the . Any other symbols are irrelevant
  5. Internal polling is probably starting to suggest Biden is in deep shit. We now have a fictional second wave that will jeopardize every event until the election
  6. 82% of USA corona deaths are over the age of 75. I believe these stats include George Floyd
  7. The statistics suggest these are exactly the people who die with covid. It wouldn’t be difficult to get to 200k flu deaths if we counted every death that had s trace of the flu.
  8. I never thought of that. Probably should get my news from vox
  9. Self government has worked so well in predominantly black countries. I see no reason Atlanta will be any different
  10. I would have stuck with the classic. Maybe you could get Zion to play aunt jamima.
  11. Larry Sinclair wrote s book before he died
  12. Not a huge fan of Tucker but who is better? You have 3 gay leftist and two metrosexual pansies to choose from. I guess you could watch the Cuomo brothers swap spit for enlightenment
  13. It ain’t his legs but something is probably sore
  14. This is spot on. I’m guessing he knows about 12 black people who managed to escape the ghetto. He probably end up naked and broke if he Was ever stranded on the wrong side of town. He has this misconception that blacks are deep thinking intellectuals. Reality is the hood is a very barbaric place where the thought of the day is survival
  15. I heard a rumor that some governors signed executive orders forcing nursing homes to take corona patients and prohibited hospitals from housing the elderly. Same governors also said wear a mask
  16. Well that is better than most of these maskers. I can already see their wheels spinning. Since cotton is recommended dirty boxers will be the item of choice. The libs enjoy the fact they have to use the backside.
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