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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Only dems get to question the outcome of elections? The party that has cried foul for two of their last 3 presidential losses. 1500 pages of trump hate is pretty remarkable and also misdirected. It isn’t Trump most of the libs hate. America, freedom, and Christian Judeo values is the root of your hatred. Trump just triggers the hate.
  2. only at Christmas. Somehow I wound up at Target and the Calvin Klein outlet.Pretty sure we did the same thing on Mothers Day. I really need to tighten up the ship
  3. true. probably should have organized the torching of the local plaza.
  4. Lets talk about the Biden rally
  5. I’m willing to negotiate. Give them the major cities to set up Chops. Throw in a years worth of free KFC and Starbucks provided they lose citizenship. Should give them ample time to set up their kale farms in their leftist utopia
  6. Yes this was the his last travel season so on to college ball now. Guess I’m lucky he has more games but not the same as watching them as kids. I don’t get to tell him how bad he sucked on the way home
  7. I dont like big crowds. honestly the only thing that pissed me is all my son's games got cancelled. I am over most other sports. baseball is barely hanging on by a thread
  8. Yes the kids have been playing baseball And soccer for a month here. Doesn’t make a lot of sense for the pros not to play
  9. Not being a smart ass but are these protest related cases or just general surge? Wish her well. We have forgot about our healthcare people with all these riots.
  10. Probably the skid row t shirt that set them off.
  11. I thought you were for that kind of stuff
  12. What is your take on these stats? CDC is not very good as their data varies across various reports. I see a 6% excess death rate for the year. About 70k excess deaths including what was a bad flu season that all of a sudden disappeared. I understand it may be difficult determine cause when one or more of flu, pneumonia, and covid are present. They credit covid with 105k deaths so they are essentially saying all other forms of deaths are 3-4% OR 35k below normal for the year. 2019 was a great year and we say 20k-30k fewer deaths for the year. If these covid numbers are correct, they are essentially saying all other forms of death were on pace to be 70k less than expected for the year. I don't believe this is true. The 70k of excess deaths looks like a more realistic covid number with 35k of bullshit added on. Now think how low this number could have been if 3 or 4 states had not decided to have corona parties in their nursing homes. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/COVID19/index.htm
  13. They should have voted for Cruz. I didn't see a lot of media and minority support for his campaign.
  14. Mayberry cast turned out to be everything but traditional America. Opie forgot how he was raised and Andy sold out on Obamacare. Grandpa blamed the Beatles but maybe it was Mayberry that led us down this road
  15. I want the 5k I spent to bring my wife here legally
  16. I’ll have a beer anytime. You don’t strike me as the Antifa type. In all honesty I am not a crazy trumper I lost a lot of money backing Cruz. As crazy as trump is I just see the modern dems as anti American and anti white male. I happen to be both so I will vote trump
  17. I can’t travel over 60 miles or I would be there. 14 day quarantine for any employee who breaks it. If not for that I would be there. Don’t love Trump but I am ready to confront a few Antifa clowns. Lost in all this protest bs is our active duty members are still on lockdown with no activities restored for their families.
  18. That’s the whole problem with modern day civil rights. It isn’t about equality anymore. These groups want an advantage. The movement wants men especially white men to surrender property and rights to undeserving women or minorities. The Georgia guy was right. How the hell is someone on government assistance buying $300 headphones. Kids getting free lunch have more expensive shoes than my kids.equality Has become more class warfare and wealth redistribution using a false narratives of persecution as justification
  19. I think the big ass woman from Georgia but there is no shortage of angry fat women in Democrat party
  20. Could be Moochelle if they decide it doesn’t have to be a woman nominee
  21. I don’t mean to be racist but the white bashing is nuts in here. For whatever reason the good Lord allowed white people to be the leading culture in modern history. I don’t believe whites are superior in any way. However, there should be a little more recognition and gratitude expressed in here. Whites have committed some of the worlds worst atrocities. White American have been the most innovative and generous civilization in the history of the world. Both have led to the most free society and quality of life known to man. You’re welcome
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