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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. I didn’t even mention the 9 figure non profits ran by Clinton and Obama. Who funds those ?
  2. Pro trump is a hell of a lot better for Americans than pro Marx. Sometimes libs need to use common sense. I know most are convinced he is poor but he is not. Why would a billionaire subject himself to this at age 70-74. He has more money than he can spend. He is probably losing money. Now look at The Clinton, Biden and Obama. None of them were eternally rich before entering politics. Obama has a net worth of 70 million despite never earning 6 figures before he was in Office. Where do you think that money came from?
  3. No shit. Who tells their kids to go hang out with gangsters and drug addicts?
  4. In only two hours from the protest standoff in Missouri. Truck is red so a few stars and bars could net me a profit in the local market.
  5. Because he makes the best racist jokes
  6. You seem to have anger issues. I thought you libs were about peace and love.
  7. If an ignorant redneck like me can make a decent living anyone can. Well almost anyone. Angry Excused filled grown men with envious souls still struggle. I have empathy for your misery but I care enough to tell you the hard truth. You are capable of changing your life more than any gov program. It won’t happen until you stop the excuses , envy, and self pity that makes you such an angry person.
  8. There are people who admit there prejudice but still judge individuals according to their character. Many of the sjw libs deny their prejudices. The same people support the mass murder of black babies and refuse to implement school choice. Libs are not pro black but are pro misery. The left’s fake support of minorities is simply a Marxist ploy to redistribute wealth and bring eternal damnation to western civilization.
  9. I couldn’t say it any better. All this protesting has me contemplating a stars and bars scheme for my truck.
  10. I miss the days when Willie T Ribbs was the token black driver
  11. I agree he is a little to big government for me and flag burning shouldn’t be illegal. I doubt he is all that Christian either. He does support people who are and is pro America. This election is about America or a Marxist take over of the country. We can continue with the greatest nation in history or we can choose Chaz
  12. All those drivers look pretty foolish now. Bubba will be back to washing cars two years from now.
  13. That’s funny. Probably was just a rope or he had a role in it and this was the easiest way out for all sides.
  14. Well the BLM crowd is pro abortion and anti school choice The women’s equality crowd also supports men playing against women They oppose borders and guns until they need them for a CHOP the reality is the Bible and American Constitution provide a clear description of the family and societal structure needed to succeed. Both allow for forgiveness and self correction. Not saying everyone has to be a Bible thumping Christian but it is impossible to maintain a free functional society when we disregard the basic fundamentals of morality
  15. Maybe true but my thoughts are mine and aren’t siphoned out of Tony Fauci or Gavin Newsom’s ass
  16. Lol. Real traditional Mexican girls ain’t quite as easy as their American relatives.
  17. My position is a wrapper might help if you don’t have a condom. However i won’t judge you if you choose to pass on using a wrapper given its lack of effectiveness. Distance is the true factor in the spread of corona just as choosing a quality piece would be with stds.
  18. A Twinkie rapper and a rubber band could prevent some level of fluid transmission but it ain’t a condom.
  19. https://www.foxnews.com/us/viral-video-missouri-protest-woman-kkk-confederate-flag My son loved shopping here as a kid. They have an outstanding collection of Dukes of Hazzard gear with a show used car on display. We did get a lot of strange looks when he wore his confederate soldier uniform
  20. Nothing wrong with that based on where you are located. Here it isn't a big deal either way.
  21. Mask are very cultural. Probably 50-1 not wearing mask here but sounds like most everyone has one in Cali. Based on the deaths, I have yet to see proof mask are saving lives. Most of the hardest hit states had the most restrictions and mask regulations. If everyone had a N95, we would probably see benefits. The other masks are purely political statements that provide excellent cover for leftist criminals.
  22. I did and I am sure the science lovers in here have as well. If you are not wearing a N95 mask, you may as well have a dick on your forehead for protection. All these other mask are nothing more than political statements and probably do harm by providing a false sense of protection. https://www.livescience.com/are-face-masks-effective-reducing-coronavirus-spread.html
  23. Has anyone seen a scientific study on the effectiveness of mask? Hopefully one that includes the composition and types with proven effectiveness rates by material. Be nice if the study is also peer reviewed.
  24. Supposed to be Christian conservative but they are starting to cower to the mob on some issues. It is a rich kid school. He got a few scholarships and has my gi bill. He managed to go for free and pocket 23k in cash so hope he doesn’t piss away the opportunity
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