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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Cmon lefty. Big picture here. Mask may be helpful but this is ultimately about control. Control starts at birth from who lives or dies. Optional abortions are the first step to mandated child limit laws. Social policies redistribute wealth and control how much a person should have. Leftist energy policies are all about wealth redistribution and control of how much energy one can consume. Mask and social distancing control individual freedoms across all aspects of life. All these forms of control are masked as a benefit to mankind but are ultimately designed to eliminate American values. Replace God with government and enforce the immoral tyrannical societies on the left. You can’t win the moral high ground of saving 33k lives while funding the murder of 0vet 50 million babies.
  2. I think a civil society can only survive if we honor the value of each life starting at conception. I A society that willingly accepts the murder of 1 million innocent babies every years sets the moral climate for the murder and persecution of the living. The progressive left already has elected leaders on record supporting post birth abortions. Just a matter of time. Remember these are the people that argue for men pissing in the girls room. Their argument started off with gay marriage and pride months but look where we are now. This is why we must address all issues as an overall theme and stop the single issue debates with leftist. Leftist have one goal and that is to dismantle the American way of life and the Christian values at the foundation. So tell me again how the party of women’s rights supports a man beating a woman’s ass in an MMA fight or accepting a basketball scholarship dedicated for a women.
  3. Estimates say 33k if everyone wears a mask. 10 days worth of abortion in common terms. I’m willing to compromise. I’ll wear a mask to save 33k will you support ending abortions and save a million lives?
  4. This thing can go either way. No way in hell Biden wins by 10-12% but the electoral margin could be large in either direction.
  5. Masks may be beneficial. However the libs destroyed their argument supporting all these leftist loon street festivals. We essentially have the preacher reprimanding the women for dressing proactive while being a platinum member at the Doll House
  6. I heard some black people destroyed about 70 testing facilities while fighting the racism virus
  7. I imagine it has to do with systemic racism. They obviously targeted blacks by raising the price on chicken and pigs feet.
  8. One of these libs in here will be victims of this mob violence one day. Hopefully they put up a better fight than the gay congressman from Wisconsin. Look like he was taken down by two girls.
  9. Sure won't fix it. The ghetto shares a hell of a lot in common with the trailer park. For the most part, skin color is the only difference between the two
  10. Well that was the original idea of progressives. Imagine the power of the black vote if we didn’t murder half the black babies for 40 years.
  11. So you would describe Biden as articulate and intelligent?
  12. His donors are anti American Marxist
  13. Education and fatherless homes is the fix. Libs never want to address these issues. I we have an angry mob because we have because progressive politicians have created a dependent class of hopeless people. Progressive libs have also created another mob of immoral Marxist who are consumed with hate. They seek affirmation and piece because their lives contradict everything the good Lord created is to be. They have no God so there is no means of redemption or forgiveness in their lives. They are reduced to relieving their anxiety through destructive acts and hateful rhetoric
  14. You are correct on this. This about class warfare and a bunch of envious lowlife Marxist who want what they have not earned
  15. Are you suggesting segregation does not exist in the public system? Hell of a union speech you just submitted. This is about freedom of choice and allowing minority kids an opportunity that many don’t have. Competition works and will benefit the kids. What hasn’t worked is trillions spent on the current system which produces ignorant kids with misdirected anger.
  16. History suggests you don’t make deals with Marxist. You defeat them or they destroy the host nation and implement tyranny
  17. Biden today is an incoherent senile old man. Do really think he is running anything in the Democrat platform today?
  18. Biden doesn’t know a Marxist from a republican at this point in his life. He is a puppet designed to run as moderate and then implement every Marxist wet dream imaginable.
  19. Really isn’t about him. Before him the libs crucified Bush. Other than being a war hawk he was a fairly liberal republican. Trump is simply the current figurehead of America and a free civilization. The destruction of the latter two is the ultimate goal for the Marxist libs
  20. Actually it is about America. You have one man who supports The western civilization way of life or you chose Marxist radicals. Regardless how you feel about Trump, this election is about preserving our way of life or establishing Chaz as our new form of government
  21. Your level of understanding seems a bit off
  22. Just odd how the left hates one rich man who at least earned a good portion of his money but loves rich politicians who owe all of their generational wealth to public office.
  23. So these shady non profits are not hiding taxable dollars from the irs?
  24. Chevy was an all time great until he caught the lib virus
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