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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. i treat it as a ww2 scenario at times. i am fdr and he is stalin fighting against the axis. (antifa, dem party,BLM) It does sicken me to be fdr even in an analogy
  2. I mean 15,000 people died of gun violence last year. So if I wear a mask and give up my guns, we can save 48,000 lives this year.
  3. That is because modern day libs need victims for class warfare.
  4. yes i am still waiting on obama's report card.he must be really ashamed of that c in economics.
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5735043/ and most of us vets would never declare our weapons on a survey.
  6. we had a few teens steal out of some cars and were caught a week later. one of the kid's mothers turned them in. she wanted them to learn their lesson legally before a home owner put a bullet in their ass. good parenting is important
  7. My neighborhood probably has 5-10 guns per household. About twoo hundred homes in this development yet nobody has ever been shot in this neighborhood. We also have every race of people known to man living here. why is that
  8. education and two parent homes. A little knowledge of the good book wouldnt hurt either. Criminals are not going to hand over their weapons for money.
  9. Yes impeachment two will happen. Trump will squash the protest at least until the next election year. School choice needs to be a priority. We have to get the kids out of public schools and educate them in American history.
  10. i got pulled over one night for dodging a black man walking in the middle street. Cop didnt even see him until I pointed out his palms
  11. no but most have been at some point in their lives. However, I have been pulled over 6-8 times in this town alone. most serious offense was a tail light out. Too many blacks just assume getting pulled over is race when the reality is it is economics and a means to deter drugs. my wifes mini van was a fucking cop magnet when I drove it.
  12. I sure do. I know some quality black people.
  13. i was about to type that but was to busy shopping online
  14. No but we should quit making heroes and celebrating the bottom. All these losers have been discussed more than Justice Thomas. Why is that
  15. really just means you support the killing of babies. i wont judge you but the good judge will.
  16. If you are pro life say it boldly. Fight with the same passion you do for mask. If more pro life libs stood up to their friends change can happen. Unfortunately pro life dems have been eliminated from the party. If libs would just compromise a little on some moral issues, there is a huge amount of common ground to be gained in other areas.
  17. I am not in the 100% no mask wearing crowd, I am willing to compromise. Why can't we address saving all lives while we wear masks? Asking me to wear a mask is asking me to give up some individual freedoms to potentially save some lives. I say give me a mask and consider not sucking babies limb from limb from their mothers womb. Your lack of concern for babies makes me doubt your true concern for human life. You are a highly educated man and it is sad to see a good mind wasted. You can't win the value of life argument with a very uneducated redneck. Your defense is diminished to name calling and insults.
  18. So what makes babies lives less valuable? I want to believe your concern but ultimately we are debating the value of human lives. I must wear a mask so I don’t harm other individuals but a woman can kill a baby to avoid any inconvenience
  19. Leftist ideology. Not wearing a mask is irresponsible behavior and should face punitive charges. . Girl fucks a stranger and get knocked up. Totally unavoidable act and girl is authorized to commit murder to avoid consequences
  20. As is your pretentious concern for human life.
  21. I will wear a mask if the situation warrants it. I will not live the rest of my life wearing a mask in an outdoor environment. This isn’t Black Death and we should really focus on issues that save the most lives. However that issue isn’t political advantageous to the left so they keep the vacuum cleaners running.
  22. I believe 3000 blacks a year have a story to tell. Unfortunately they were murdered by a black man so we will never hear from them. Reality is these last two thugs both assaulted black women. One used a gun. Sounds cruel but their deaths was a gain for the black communities
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