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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. No but our numbers are skewed especially with under 50 age group. Either we have a different strain or we are padding the numbers a bit. Excess deaths doesn’t lie and it is not close to 130k
  2. I’m against it but i believe it will be priority number one for Dems
  3. Do you really think Biden is in his basement to save lives ? All these dem politicians locked everyone down until a racist virus broke out. Suddenly they cheered as thugs looted in the streets. They even joined several protesters. The party of the black man encouraging black Americans to gather in the streets with the supposedly deadliest pandemic in 100 years. Either the dems truly hate blacks or the virus is being exaggerated a bit. Since corona has emerged every other ailment known to man has decreased. 120k dead with corona and every other disease is -30k combined. We need to put things in perspective and protect the elderly. I’m ok with mask wearing in enclosed environments but stop over estimating mask effectiveness. Ultimately it is the distance. Material, fit, and cleanliness all play a role and most mask wearers are failing in at least one of those areas.
  4. It is unfortunate that the black communities chose such poor leaders. They have shunned several black people who overcame a segregated south and achieved great things. Somehow a half white communist from Hawaii became the messiah. Odd he is such and expert in black American culture despite living most of his early years in foreign countries or Hawaii
  5. This virus either ends in November or Biden wins and it becomes the emergency needed to fully implement all the socialist entitlement programs.
  6. I think they will be looking for a way out. It isn’t all that profitable this year. Baseball will also have to deal with the racism virus and try to out woke basketball and football. If I am an owner I cancel for virus concerns and avoid pandering to the blacks.
  7. This video is misleading. These men are social workers trying to stop the local skinheads from burning down Popeyes
  8. In fairness, Reggie's official title was body man.
  9. I am not saying any league should play. however planning to play with a 0 tolerance policy isn't realistic. Big picture a lot of these athletes from HS-Pros are better off playing with covid vs missing out on a scholarship or pro opportunity. Sports provide an exit from the ghetto for the majority of the players. Another year in the ghetto with online education is not in the best interest for most kids. MLB should probably sit it out. The money isn't great this year and there will be extreme pressure to kiss the black ass. Let the NBA and NFL do the ass kissing. MLB has a different fan demographic that I doubt will support the over the top persecution of whitey. May be best for teams and owners to agree to play for cosmetics and then shut it down for health reasons.
  10. We have to get away from the no tolerance policy with covid. This isn’t going to kill a pro athlete.
  11. She probably already knows this but the military installations are always hiring. Not sure how the money compares to public sector but the environment is relaxed. Here is link https://www.usajobs.gov/Search/ExploreOpportunities/?Series=0610
  12. I hope you are right and Biden stays moderate. sometimes it is just keep the ball rolling. From a military perspective we did don’t ask don’t tell with Clinton paving the way for the next dem to fully open it up. I really be Obamacare is just a gateway failure created to get to single payer. My pops stays in trumps hotels and he isn’t rich. Says they are great
  13. Believe you are legit with your concerns but a lot of the things you harp on were enforced in the very worst hit states. Many of which ignored the old. The reality from day one was secure the nursing homes and protect the old. The blue govs beat their citizens down with regulations while intentionally placing the virus in old folks homes. Quite a few states never fully closed but focused on vulnerable populations and did ok. I think it is important as we move forward to remember lessons learned. Instead we harp all day on masks and just say oh well with nursing homes. We can do both but every time a mask is mentioned we need to stress nursing homes. This virus is more about who gets it vs the how many. Odly detailed ages of victims doesn’t make the nightly news.
  14. https://www.foxnews.com/health/coronavirus-in-us-state-by-state-breakdown Top 10 us very blue
  15. yes i am pretty pissed at the govs who killed all the old people.
  16. Can agree for the most part. I think he is truly pro America. Sucks but the reality is we pick an big gov asshole and the country survived a few more years or we pick black Lives Matter and Antifa. We can survive trump with a thriving economy but we won’t survive he Marxist social experiment from the left
  17. Yes I believe I had it in February. Seems like it is becoming less deadly which isn’t uncommon.
  18. Is it possible cases were much higher in March but we lacked test to capture them? We could possibly be in decline but yet we are capturing more cases through test.
  19. He likes bigwig gov but I think he is more of a tolerated member of rep establishment.
  20. Not to change the subject but being gay had a much higher suicide rate than gun ownership. Shouldn’t you discourage that
  21. I am leaving. A few CPTs are waiting for me to share this wisdom.
  22. Someone said it is not a tax rather a fine. Same man later said he was Kenyan Another man said read my lips. Another man said he didn’t have sex with a woman.but later remembered he did. This was ok because he knew a man that invented the internet
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